Reeder Mrs. L Hughes st w of Light
Reeder Amos, engineer, e side Light st s of Sugar alley
Reeder Jacob, tinner, n side Water st e of Light
Reeder Chas. engineer, e side Light st 3 doors s of Sugar alley
Reekers John Joseph, prof, mathematics, cor Fleet and Market
Reemer Thomas, steamboat hand, Montgomery st w of Light
Reese Wm. tailor, 58 n Gay st
Reese John, grocer, 62 n Howard st
Reese Rev. E. Y. editor "Methodist Protestant," dw Mulberry
st e of Pine
Reeae mrs Susan, seamstress, cor Lewis and Holland sts
Reese Wm. blacksmith, Constitution st n of French
Reese ——— tailor, w side East st n of Ensor
Reese Daniel M. brickmaker, Paca st w of the bend
Reese John E. teller in Farmers' and Planters' Bauk,dw corner
German and Greene sts
Reese John E. millwright, Hanover st s of York
Reese John L. brickmaker. 136 s Sharp st cor Lee
Reese Wm. brickmaker, Sharp st n of Lee
Reese Margaret, Alice Anna st e of Bond
Reese Jacob, pilot, Fleet st w of Wolfe
Reese Rev. D. E. principal of academy, Wilk st e of Bond
Reese Wm. Smith, chemist and druggist, cor Market and Fleet
Reese Wm. D. basket maker, 9 Caroline st n of Gough
Reese Thos. L. grocer, n e cor Hanover and Pratt sts
Reeve Wm. Raborg st e of Cove
Reeve Wm, blacksmith, Schroeder st n of Lombard
Reeves James, painter, e side Ann st n of Gough
Reeves Joseph F. watchmaker, jeweller, and silversmith, &c. 46
Baltimore st. dw Pratt e of Gough
Reeves John A. tanner, w end Saratoga st
Regan John, watchman, Ross st near Eutaw
Regan James, liquor shop, n e cor Light and York sts
Regans Killam, labourer, e side Tripolett's alley near Second at
Register Joshua, brass founder, w side Spring st n of Bank
Rehine Z. s w cor Hanover and German sts
Reid Rev. James, s w cor Pitt and Aisquiih sts
Reifsnider L. S. hatter, 26 n Howard st. dw cor Saratoga st and
Run alley
Reifsnider Wm. hatter, Howard st. dw 146 n Eutaw
Reifsnider Jacob, paver, Canal si n of Orleans
Reigart Philip, Second st n of Gay, dw cor Balt aod East sts
Reiley James, 73 n Exeter st
Reilly Dennis, grocer, n e cor Howard and Madison sts
Reilly Matthew, grocer, n w cor Potter and Low sts
Reilly Wna. Star alley n of Fleet st
Reilly mrs E. L. shop keeper, Swan st
Reilly P. E. hatter, 23, 24 and 25 Maryland Arcade
Reilly George, grocer, n w cor Frederick and Lombard sts
Teilly P. &, G. "Exchange tavern and hotel," and hack prop.
Lombard st 3d door w of Frederick—see adv. page 27