Price John H. ink and blacking manuf. Paca st vv of Warner
Price A. M. grocer, cor Hanover and Montgomery sts
Price Margaret A. Granby st e of Gough
Price Susan, Ann st e side n of Wilk
Price Elizabeth, Caroline st n of Wilk
Price Andrew, ship smith, w Falls av City Block
Price Ephraim, firm Boston & Price, dw s e cor Light st and
Sugar al
Pridgeon John, porter, Ross st w of Eutaw
Primrose Wm. cedar cooper, n side Gay st w of Mott
Primrose mrs Ann, confectioner, n side Gay st w of Mott
Primrose Wm. pattern maker, Montgomery st e of Charles
Prince capt David, Eden st s of Gough
Prince John, labourer, w side Caroline st s of Wilk
Prince capt John, Lombard st 3 doors e of the Bridge
Prince David, mariner, Gough st w of Caroline
Prince Conrad, labourer, Fleet st w of Caroline
Prince L. n side Gay st e of Forest
Prince David B. principal of female high school, Paca st 2d door
s of Lexington
Prince Wm. A. potter, Caroline st s of Pitt
Prince David B. confectionery and fruit store, 52 w Lexington
st near Howard
Prince Catharine, York av n of Madison st
Prince Caspar, hatter, 5 Thames st
Prindle John, brewer, Saratoga st e of Cove
Prints Henry, labourer, e side Caroline st n of Fleet
Prior John B. grocer and cooper, 67 Saratoga st w of Eutaw
Pritchard Thomas, cabinet maker, Holland st w of Eden
Pritchard Nicholas B. clerk, Albemarle st n of Lombard
Procter Margaret, tailoress, w side Forest st near Market
Procter Edward, mt. tailor, se cor Calvert st and Lovely lane
Procter Wm. hardware mt. 4 Pratt st. dw 73 s High st
Proffen Henry, cooper, Madison st near Biddle
Proud Robt. M. firm Smith & Proud, dw Eutaw st 3d door n e
Proud John G. w side Eutaw st 3d door n of Mulberry
Prutz Frederick, shoemaker, Orleans st w of Lewis
Pry John, engineer, Sugar al w of William st
Pryor Henry, carpenter, 75 Harrison st
Pryor Geo. W. coachmaker, 12 n Frederick st. dw 144 ditto
Pryor Edward, carpenter, Poppleton st s of Fayette
Pryor Benj. F. labourer, Rock st n of Lexington
Pryor Edward, collector, w side Front st s of Low
Pryor mrs Emeline, fancy store, 4 e Baltimore st
Pryor John, tailor, Slemmer alley s of Stiles st
Public School No. 1 n e cor Green and Fayette sts
Public warehouse, s e cor Gay and Lombard sts.
Pue Dr Arthur & Son, 30 Hanover st
Pue miss Margaret, 44 n Charles st