Pickering Wm. boot and shoemaker, 326 Baltimore st
Pickering Samuel, clerk in Record office, dw w side Exeter st s
of Granby
Pickett John, glue maker, Dolphin st near Ross
Pickett John, tailor, Baltimore st betw Pine and Cove
Pickett Jerome, mariner, Gough st e of Caroline
Pickett miss Eliza, milliner, Baltimore st betw Pine and Cove
Pickett Perry, shoemaker, Raborg st e of Schroeder
Pickett miss Mary, tailoress, Eutaw court opp Eutaw church
Picking Abraham, tavern, Franklin ste of Greene
Pierce David M. grocer, and manufacturer of stomachic bitters,
a "certain remedy for bilious diseases," cor Gay & Fred'k
Pierce S. A. hatter, 10 Market space
Pierce Wm. shoemaker, Eden st s of Orleans
Pierson mrs Ann, Holliday st s of Bath
Pierson Noah, boiler maker, Hamburg st e of William
Pierson Thos. gardener, row s of Franklin st extended
Pierson John E. mariner, Pratt st w of Caroline
Pierson W. S. ladies' shoemaker, Cove st n of Fayette
Pierson mrs Kesiah, York st e of Charles
Pierson Wm. E. e side Howard st 2 door n of Conway
Pigeon mrs Mary, grocer, w side Caroline st s of Baltimore
Pike Ignatius, com mt. 8 Light st wharf
Pike Abraham, firm Saml. Shaffner & Co. Liberty s of Fayette
Pike Samuel N. & Bro. dry goods merchants, 1 s Charles st
Pike Henry, & Ward, hardware mts. 19 and 21 s Calvert st
Pilliaed Wm. baker, Shakspeare st w of Market
Pindell Zaccheus, trunk maker, Orleans st e of Friendship
Pindell mrs Sarah, Monument st betw Constitution and Forest
Pindell Addi, harbour master, Aisquith st s of Low
Pindell Thomas, Gay st near Monument
Pindell miss F. A. mantua maker, Gay st near Aisquith
Pindell Lewis, carter, n side Gay st w of Aisquith
Pindell Mary, w side East st n of Douglass
Pindle Wm. barber, 35 Centre market space
Pineo Otis, mariner, Alice Anna st w of Bond
Pink Nicholas, carter, e side Exeter st s of Low
Pinkerton ———— rear of 60 South st
Pinkney Mrs. 5 Waterloo row
Pinkney J. cashier Chesapeake Bank, Pleasant st w of St Paul
Pinkney Abraham, tavern, Franklin st e of Greene
Pinkney Wm. surveyor port of Baltimore, office public store, cor
Gay and Lombard sts. dw Waterloo row, n Calvert st
Pinneman Henry, shoemaker, High st s of Stiles
Piper D. A. tinner, Federal hill, dw Eutaw st n of Conway
Piper James, Ensor st n of Madison
Piper Philip, bacon dealer, s w cor Pearl and Fayette sts
Piper Dr. W. E. Lexington st e of Pine
Piper mrs Mary, Harford avenue n of Aisquith st
Pistor John C. tavern, Louisiana (or Lexington) st w of Jasper
Pitcomb mrs Sarah, teacher, w side Paca st n of Fayette