O'RO 299 OVE
O'Rouke Mrs. Bank st e of Market
Orphan's Asylum, rnrs Patterson, mistress, Mulberry st opposite
the Cathedral
Orphan's Asylum, Sc Mary's, Franklin st e of Park
Orr Adam, cooper, Humes st near Exeter
Orr Wm, intersection Gay and Madison sts
Orr Ann, w side Potter st s of French
Orrell Edward, shoemaker, Canal st s of Jefferson
Orrick Daniel, bark inspector, 69 w Pratt st
Orrick John, huckster, Monument st e of Eden
Orrick W. K. chemist and druggist, n e cor Lexington and Eu-
taw sts. dw Eutaw 1 door n of Presbyteiran church
Orrouke Wm. seaman, row w of Eutaw st s of Carpenter's; alley
Orth Philip, paper hanger, Harford avenue s of Aisquith st
Ortwine Hautmann, labourer, Greenwillow st near Penn avenue
Osage Mining & Smelting Co. office cor Fayetle and St Paul sts
Osborne W. McK. dry goods merchant, 56 Hanover st. dw Con-
way w of Charles
Osborne mrs Lucretia, Mulberry st 2 doors w of Eutaw
Oshourn Elizabeth, North st near Bath
Osbourn Alphonzo, bricklayer, Con way st e of Warner
Osbourn Wm. labourer, Welcome alley e of Charles st
Osbourn Wm. O. furniture store, n side Second st 5 doors w of
Centre market space
Osbourn Rev. James, n side Second st w of Centre market space
Osbourn mrs Susan, 53 Centre market space
Osborn James W. commission merchant, 82 Bowly's wharf
Osgodby Mary, e side Short st J door from Orleans
Osgood George, fruiterer, Pratt st e of South
Osick Lewis, suger boiler, cor Pratt st and Slemmer alley
Osius Caroline, milliner, Pratt st e of Paca
Ostendorf Anthony, grocer, cor Charles and Hamburg sts
Ostendorf Anthony, watchmaker, 43 Camderi st
Osterman Augustus, cabinet maker, 24 New Church st
O'Toole mrs M. milliner, Charles st n of York
Ott Chades, tailor, 62 s Frederick st
Otterson miss Matilda, Charles st s of L Hughes
Otto Dr. Gustavus, n Frederick st near Gay
Otto John, labourer, w side Apple alley s of Alice Anna st
Otto Frederick, musician, s side Sterling st e of Mott
Otto Andrew, labourer, Castle alley w of Fleet st
Oudesluys mrs Harriet, Lexington st e of Liberty
Ould Lancaster, cor Charles and Fayette sts
Ould Remus R. cor Charles and Fayette sts
Oursler Edward, sweep master, Columbia st w of Paca
Outerbridge Horsey, jr. lawyer, 14 Law buildings, St Paul st
Outter Joseph S. blacksmith, Sterling st near Monument
Ovarre John N. hatter, Centre market space 4 doors s of Balt st
Overmeyer ———— labourer, Montgomery st e of Charles
Overmeyer V. labourer, e side Light st 2 doors s of Fork
Owaere John F. barber, Franklin st e of Greene