Murphy Thomas, teacher public school No. 2, dw Holland st w
Murphy Hugh, cor Monument and Caroline sts [of Eden
Murphy Wm. Geo. shoemaker, Douglass st e of Potter
Murphy Jesse D. Ensor st near Harford av
Murphy John, w side Exeter st n of Hillen
Murphy James, cabinet maker, n side Addison st w of High
Murphy Patrick, Armistead lane w of Williams st
Murphy Patrick, labourer, Lombard st e of High
Murphy John, ship carpenter, Washington si n of Fleet
Murphy John W. labourer, Happy al e side s of Bank
Murphy John, apothecary, 69 Bond st
Murphy Dr T. L. of port of Baltimore, dw 69 Bond st
Murphy James, labourer, cor Camden and Charles sts
Murphy capt Thomas S. 7 Caroline st n of Gough
Murphy Lavenia, cor High and Stiles sts
Murphy Edward, labourer, 71 Albemarle st
Murphy Thomas, firm Dobbin, Murphy & Bose, of the "Ame-
rican," dw Exchange Hotel
Murr Jacob, tailor, Charles st s of Hill
Murray John, confectioner, Fayette st betw Howard and Park
Murray Wm. cabinet and furniture ware rooms, 24 Lexington
st betw Charles and Liberty sts
Murray Matthew, cor Baltimore st and Argyle al
Murray mrs Margaret, n w cor Lexington and Sharp sts
Murray Robert & Wm. barbers, Fishmarket space
Murray Ralph, Lexington st betw Rock and Cove
Murray A. B. firm Robert A. Taylor & Co. dw Lexington st e
of Pine
Murray Frederick, shoemaker, Saratoga st w of Chatsworth
Murray Henry, milkman, w end Saratoga st
Murray Richard C. carpenter, cor Mulberry and Cathedral sts.
dw Saratoga st 2 doors e of Park
Murray Patrick, hatter, dw 10 New Church st
Murray Matthew, carver and ornamental pattern maker, n w cor
North and Baltimore sts. dw Centre st e of Howard
Murray Thomas, grocer, n w cor St Paul and Hamilton sts
Murray Wm. shoemaker, 56 C Market space
Murray John, shoe store, 64 Pratt st
Murray Edward, firm Carman & Murray, dw 6 n Liberty st
Murray Mary Ann, burnisher, Lombard st s side e of Concord
Murray James, Cathedral st 1 door from Howard
Murray Thomas, grocer, cor Hamilton and St Paul sts
Murray John, labourer, Garden st near Richmond
Murray Matthew, Davis st s of Saratoga st
Murray James, Cathedral st extended
Murray John, cor Pine and Pierce sts
Murray George, collector, Monument st e of Ensor
Murray Owen, paver, e side Beuren st n of Monument
Murray Thomas, watchman, 46 n Eutaw st
Murray Thomas, watchmaker, e side Paca st near Lexington
Murray Francis, cor Gay and Aisquith sts
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