Mortimer & Mowbray, brush, comb and fancy variety store, 180
and 116 Baltimore st
Mortimer John W. firm ditto, dw Mulberry st w of College al
Mortimer John, of Custom House, Holland st e of Aisquith
Mortimer James, cabinet maker, w side Bond st n of Gough
Mortimer John, shoemaker, w side Front st s of Hillen
Mortimer Henry, Hill st w of Charles
Morton Dixon, grocer, se cor Lexington and Pine sts
Morton John, blacksmith, 100 Dugan's wharf
Morton Geo. C. vice consul of France, 36 s Gay st. dw Monu-
ment st e of Park—see advertisement page 31
Morton mrs John A. jr. dw n e cor Lexington &, Chatsworth sts
Morton Dickson, grocer, cor Lexington and Greene sts. dw cor
Pine and Vine st
Morton W. B. firm Morton & Carter, Paca st near Camden
Morton Justus, potter, Pitt st e of Strawberry alley
Morton Frederick, bricklayer, Canal st n of Short alley
Morton John B. exchange office, Baltimore st. dw Paca st w of
L Paca
Morton John, carpenter, e side Bond st s of Baltimore
Moser Maria, bakery, Wilk st vv of Ann
Mosher col James, dw Fayette st s side w of St Paul
Mosher Joseph, clerk, Caroline st n of Orleans
Mosher Joseph, clerk, Mulberry st betw Pine and Pearl sts
Moss mrs Bridget, Madison st w of Canal
Moss Lewis, gardener, vv Pratt st extended e of the run
Most Henry, confectioner, Monument st e of Sterling
Mothour Geo. dry goods store, e side Paca st s of Franklin
Mott James, clerk, Union Bank, dw 100 Park st n of Mulberry
Molt A. G. & N. M. agricultural implements makers, s e corner
Ensor and Forest sts. boarding with Rachel Mott No. 34
Exeter st
Mott Rachel G. dw 34 Exeter st
Mott Daniel, cooper, Lee st w of Light
Mouat capt James, Ann st n of Fleet
Moulton & Thompson, mt. tailors, 14 Lombard st
Moulton James F. firm ditto, dw 180 Paca st
Mount Vernon place, where stands Washington's Monument,
intersection of Charles and Monument sts—John Hitzel-
berger superintendent
Mowbray John, tailor, 11 Harrison st
Mowbray Alexander, shoemaker, Holland st e of Canal
Mowbray Geo. W. firm Mortimer & Mowbray, dw Front st e
side n of Pitt
Mowell Peter, iron founder, Montgomery st e of Light
Mowry Paul, Mulberry st 1 door w of Pine
Mowton James, sec'y. of Gas Light Company of Baltimore, dw
Hamilton st betw Cathedral and Charles Rts
Moxley Wm. tinner and sheet iron worker, w side Hanover st 2d
door n of the market, dw 137 n Eutaw st
Moxley L. teed and grocery store, w side Penn av n of Pearl st