McD 268 McF
McDonnell Arthur, carter, Livery al s side near Front st
McDonough Elizabeth, Chestnut al w of Pearl st
McDonough Bernard, liquor mt. Jackson's whf. dw 26 Block st
McDonough Miles, Canal st n of Jefferson
McDonough J. labourer, s of Wilk si and e of Exeter
McDougal James, Lombard st w of Lloyd
McDougal Jas. grocer, Pratt st. dw e side Charles st s of Pratt
McDowell Dr. Fayette st w of Charles
McDowell & Gable, carpet warehouse, 208 Baltimore st
McDuwell R. firm ditto, dw Pleasant st w of North
McDowell E. prop, general Intelligence office, 5 n Gay st
McDowell Peregrine, blacksmith, 255 n Howard st
McDowell Thomas, shoemaker, n side Gay st e of Front
McDowell George H. boarding house, 14 s Calvert st
McElderry Hugh, lumber and coal mt. 17 Light st wharf, dw
Calvert st s of Pleasant
McElderry James, carpenter, George st w of Penn av
McElderry Henry, coal mt. s end W Falls av. office Lombard
st No. 10, dw Aisquith st n of Holland st
McElderry Wm. bacon seller, Columbia st w of Cove
McEldowney & Co. dry goods, 26 C Market space
McEldowney Robert, firm ditto, dw Courtland st s of Franklin
McElroy Patrick, tavern, Lexington st e of Elm (or Market al)
McElroy Sumuel, weaver, Saratoga st w of Schroeder
McElroy mrs Sarah, Howard st s of Richmond
McElroy Mrs. e side Gay st s of Aisquith
McElroy James, saddler, East st e side n of Pitt
McElroy Matthew, pedlar, s e cor East and French sts
McElroy Robert, labourer w side High st s of French
McElroy Catharine, grocer, cor Salisbury and Canal sts
McElroy John, proprietor Depot house, Charles st betw Prat;
and Camden sts
McElwee Robt, wallman at Penitentiary, Canal st s of Jefferson
McElwee Jane, w side Spring st s of Pratt
McElwee Robert, do do do
McEvoy ——, e side High st s of Low
McEwin mrs Agnes, Rock st s of Saratoga
McFaddon mrs John, St Paul st s of Pleasant
McFaddon Patrick, morocco dresser, Union st near Ross st
McFaddon John H. carpenter, rear Constitution st s of Monument
McFaddon John, n side Addison st w of High
McFarlan M. grocer, w side Front st n of Hillen
McFarlan James, huckster, W Falls avenue n of Pratt st
McFarlane John, drayman, cor L Green st and Burgundy al
McFarrel Michael, wig maker and hair cutter, dressing rooms
Light st
McFaul John, watchman, Howard st n of Richmond marker
cor Tyson alley
McFaul Eneas, liquor mt. Penn av n of Franklin st. dw e side
Paca st n of Mulberry
McFee John, Biddle st near Ross