McC 264 McC
McCall Owen, drayman, n side Addison st w of High
McCane Wm, labourer, Tyson alley near Tyson st
McCann Michael, Holliday st n of Bath
McCann mrs Rose, grocer, cor North and Bath sts
McCann Thomas, Howard st near Centre
McCann Chas. grocer, cor Mulberry and Eutaw sts
McCann M. D. English and classical seminary, Mulberry st s
doors e of Eutaw
McCann Wm. iron moulder, n side Gay st e of Forest
McCann ——— w Falls avenue n of Pratt st
McCann Thomas, tavern, 98 Dugan's wharf
McCann Wm. coach and harness maker, w side Frederick st.
of Second, dw e side Frederick s of Baltimore
McCardel John, plough maker, about moving from Front st
near Bath
McCarn Wm. machinist, Mulberry st w of Park
McCarraher M. grocer, e side Potter st n of Hillen
McCarrier mrs Mary, Monument st e of Sterling
McCart Terra nee, grocer, w side Spring st s of Pratt
McCarthy Mary A. Chesnut alley w of Pearl st
McCarty mrs Mary, w side Canal st n of Lombard
McCarty Charles, shop keeper, Swan st at the bridge
McCaskey Wm. huckster, 96 Dugan's wharf, up stairs
McCaughan Daniel, plumber, McElderry's wharf, dw Baltimore
st cor Strawberry alley
McCauley Joseph, upholsterer, Raborg st e of Cove
McCauley John, shoemaker, Aisquith st s of Thomsen
McCauley Wm. labourer, McHenry alley e of Poppleton st
McCauley John, shoemaker, Canal st n of Jefferson
McCauley Joseph, ship carpenter, X alley s of Lee st
McCauley Daniel, cooper, w side Howard st s of Carpenter's al
McCauley Wm. hoot maker, cor Lombard st and Franklin lane
McCauley Jacob, tailor, s of Lee st w of Sharp
McCauly Temperance M. seamstress, 46 n Exeter st
McCauly Richard, labourer, Armistead lane w of William st
McCeney mrs Caroline, dry goods store, 83 Baltimore st
McClain J. A. grocer, n e cor Lexington and Sharp sts
McClanahan mrs Elizabeth, Kolliday st n of Orange alley
McClanahan Robert, s side Hillen st w of High
McClannahan ——— grocer, s w cor Douglass and East sts
McClatchey John, sawyer, Perry st e of Howard
McClatchie Margaret, milliner, w side Caroline st s of Baltimore
McClatchy James, weaver, row n of Pierce st w of Poppleton
McClatchy John, labourer, Perry st betw Sharp and Howard
McClean David, Baltimore st e of Gilmer
McCleary Robert, labourer, cor Hart's and Slemmer alley
McCleary James, shoemaker, Montgomery st e of Light
McCleister John, drayman, w side Bond st n of Pratt
McCletlan Samuel, navy agent, cor Charles and Baltimore sts-
dw cor Lombard and Cove sts
McClellan mrs Maria, 28 w Fayette st