Marshall & Bro. lottery and exchange mts. cor Baltimore and St
Paul sts. dw Stiles near High
Marshall John, lottery broker, 19 Pratt st w of Dugan's wharf
Marshall Walter, shoemaker, Park st n of Clay
Marshall capt Levin, Gough st w of Howard
Marshall Margaret, n e cor Mercer and Grant sts
Marshall S. C. stone mason, e side Gay st s of Canal
Marshall mrs Tracy, Gay st near Aisquith
Marshall Eliza, seamstress, Low st near Aisquith
Marshall Mary A. seamstress, Comer, st w of Aisquith
Marshall E. seaman, Comet st w of Aisquith
Marshall Henry, seaman, Hollin.s st w of Schroeder
Marshall Elizabeth, cor Gough and Wolfe sts
Marshall Solomon, labourer, Bank st w of Wolfe
Marshall Mary A. Lombard st e of High
Marston J. R. & F. W. crockery, 5 s Liberty st
Marston Moses, china store, Pratt st w of Eutaw
Marston James, wholesale glass dealer, 5 Hanover st dw e Bal-
timore st w of Exeter
Marten Joseph, carpenter, Lexington st e of Greene
Martenet Catharine M. French st opposite Exeter
Martiacq John, grocer, cor Wilk st and Strawberry alley
Martin David, tailor, dw Saratoga st cor College alley
Martin Hugh, grocer, Saratoga st vv of Schroeder
Martin Culbertson, machinist, Saratoga st w of Elm (Market al)
Martin Charles, fruit dealer, dw 52 n Gay st
Martin R. N. attorney at law, North st n of Post office
Martin George, cabinet maker, s w cor Clay and Liberty sts
Martin James, Howard st s of Richmond
Martin Edward, confectioner, 93 n Howard st
Martin, Mathers & Co. merchant tailors, 9 n Howard st
Martin D. of firm, dw n side Saratoga st w of Park
Martin mrs E;izabeth, Union st near Ross
Martin John, labourer, Pierce st e of Cove
Martin Robert, drayman, 6 Jackson's court, betw Saratoga and
Lexington sts. e of Rock
Martin Solomon, victualler, Pine st n of Josephine
Martin James, cabinet maker, Pearl st n of Baltimore
Martin George, victualler, Baltimore st e of Republican
Martin & Vallette, grocers, 66 Baltimore st
Martin mrs Jane E dw 11 Pitt st
Martin John, carpenter, cor Park and Richmond sts
Martin Andrew, painter, dw cor Park st and Ivy alley
Martin Wm. bandbox maker, Park st s of Lexington
Martin Charles, clerk, Pitt st e of Front
Martin Nathaniel, cooper, w side Canal st n of Pitt
Martin Wm. bricklayer, Eden st s of Silver
Martin Thomas, e side Front st opp Catholic church
Martin Jacob. Paca st w of Warner
Martin Samuel, tobacconist, Perry st e of Howard
Martin Samuel, firm Schumacker & Martin, Barre w of Hanover