Lutz John, shoemaker, intersection Ensor and Hillen sts
Lutz J. F. oyster cellar, s side Gay st e of the bridge
Lutz mrs E. A. cedar cooper, 60 s Calvert st
Luvg Adam, tailor, e side Gay sts of Canal
Lyburn mrs Polly, spooler, Amity st n of Lexington
Lybrand Henry, wheelwright, Holland st e of Poppleton
Lyeth John, carpenter, Marion st e of Eutaw
Lyeth Samuel, carpenter, Saratoga st w of Chatsworth
Lyford Wm. G. keeper Exchange Reading Rooms, and editor
and pubisher Commercial Journal and Baltimore Prices
Current, dw Calvert st betw Saratoga and Lexington
Lyle Samuel, Pitt st e of Aisquith
Lynch John, watchmaker, 7 Franklin st cor State
Lynch Dr. A. 57 s Charles st
Lynch Daniel, blacksmith, John al near Eutaw st n of Franklin
Lynch mrs Elizabeth, Richmond st w of Cathedral
Lynch John, carter, Cross st w of Johnson
Lynch George, Harford avenue s of Neigbour st
Lynch Joseph S. payer, Harford avenue s of Madison st
Lynch James, gas pipe layer, Hillen st 4 doors w of High
Lynch & Craft, paint and oil store, 15 Cheapside
Lyntz Henry, cooper, Union st near Ross
Lyon mrs Elizabeth, cor Sharp and Conway sts
Lyon Peter, tavern, cor Swan st and Market space
Lyons John, grocer, cor Franklin and Chatsworth sts
Lyons Daniel, tailor, n side French st opposite Potter
Lyons Jane, confectioner, e side Exeter st n of Pitt
Lyons James, e side Exeter st n of Gay
Lyons Richard H. carpenter, Columbia st w of Scott
Lyons John, ship carpenter, Perry st w of Charles
Lyons miss E. E. A. milliner, Charles st n of York
Lyshur Tephemiah, grocer, cor Pierce and Cove sts
Lyshur Ephraim, labourer, Lerew's alley s of Richmond st
Lytle Robert A. chronometer and watchmaker, 5 s Gay st
MABEU Andrew, labourer, Mulberry st last house
MacBride A. flour merchant, Baltimore st e of Paca, dw Pine
2 doors from Pierce
MacCreary Letetia, w side Hanover st 2 doors n of Conway
Maccubhin T. C. painter, firm Duvall & Maccubbin, dw n side
Gay st e of Mott
Maccubbin Nelson R. coach wheelwright, North st betw Sara-
toga and Gay, dw Gay betw Forest and Aisquith
Maccubbin Samuel, brush, maker, s side Gay st e of High
MacEnery Matthew, 8 George st
Mace Thomas, tailor, 64 w Pratt st
Mace Stephen T. tailor, s side Low st e of High
Mace Thomas, tailor, York st e of Howard
Macgill mrs Eliza, seamstress, Frederick road w of toll gate
Mactier Benjamin, painter, Raborg st e of Pine
Macher Samuel, grocer, cor Sharp and Barre sta