Leather wood Mrs Ann, keeper of Green Oak Dairy, and con-
fectioner, 7 St Paul st
Lebon capt Charles, upholsterer, 101 n Howard st
Lebranthwaite James A. cor Eden and Baltimore sts
Lebron Anthony, 193 e Pratt st
Leche David, imp. of British and French dry goods, 9 n Charles
st dw 11 do.
Lechthaler Justus, baker, Shakspeare st near Bond
Leckey Wm. P. tailor, n side Gay st e of Molt
Leeompte Jane, seamstress, w side High st n of Pitt
Lecompte Lloyd, seaman, York st w of Light
Lecount Wm. labourer, Welcome al e of Charles st
Lecount Mary, seamstress, Charles st 2 doors s of Balderston
Leddon Samuel C. grocer, Grant st e of Gough
Lederer Chs. cabinet maker, Harrison st. dw Potter st n of Gay
Ledley Wm, bricklayer, cor Warner st and Burgundy alley
Lediey Daniel, briekmaker, Paca st e of Warner
Ledley Betsey, s side Carpenter's al betw Howard & Eutaw sts
Lednum Ellen, seamstress, Fleet st cor Apple al
Lednum John, carter, Fayette st n of St Paul (basement story)
Lednum Wm. shoemaker, Alice Anna st w of Wolfe
Lednum Ezekiel, shoemaker. Orleans st w of Bond
Lee John, Raborg st e of Schroeder
Lee Wm. carpenter, Raborg st w of Poppleton
Lee Rd. B. grocer, Lexington st e of Elm (or Market al)
Lee Z. Collins, U. S. district attorney, residence Sharp st betw
Lombard and Pratt—office No. 10 Law buildings
Lee Elisha, coachmaker, Hoiiiday st s of Saratoga, dw Front st
w side n of Pitt
Lee Jasiah, lottery broker, s e cor Baltimore & Calvert sts. dw
Charles st s of Pleasant
Lee Levi, blacksmith, Paca st. dw Peach al wof Pearl st
Lee Caleb, labourer, Moore's al near Ross st
Lee Miss Maria, mantua maker, Pine si s of Saratoga
Lee Richard, labourer, Pearl st n of Pierce
Lee Wm. dry goods mt. 79 Baltimore st. dw 100 n High
Lee Edward, grocer, cor Baltimore and Republican sts
Lee Chas. blacksmith, e side Green st n of Baltimore, dw Pearl
st n of Park lane
Lee Ahm. boot maker, Holland st wof Canal
Lee Archibald, labourer, Harford av n of Madison st
Lee Mrs Rachel, Eden st n of Orleans
Lee Mrs Catharine, tailoress, Eden st s of Jefferson
Lee John A. painter, 33 n Eutaw st
Lee Levi, blacksmith, w side Paca st s of Saratoga
Me Nathaniel, grocery and feed store, cor Gay and Forest sts
Lee —— s side Sterling st e of
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