Hutchings capt Samuel, Alice Anna st w of Ann
Hatchings ———— mariner, wside Canal st n of Lombard
Hutchingson James, hatter, Canal st s of Gough
Hutchingson & Weart, agents and prop, good intent stage line,
14 w Pratt st opp R R depot
Hutchinson John C. hat store, Pratt st near e Falls avenue
Hutson George, wagoner, Frederick road w of toll gate
Hutson John, Armistead lane e of Light st
Hutson Martha, Market st n of Fleet
Hutton J. s w cor North and Lexington sts
Hutton G. M. grocer, 24 Baltimore st- dw North near Lex'n
Hutton Elijah, bricklayer, Aisquithst s of Comet
Hutton Thomas, huckster, William st s of Giddings's row
Hutzler Mows, pedlar, w side Exeter st n of Wilk
Hux Christian, paver, Liberty alley n of Monument st
Huxford Henry, varnish man. Collins's court, w of Cove st rear
of Saratoga
Huxford David, painter, do. do.
Huyghe Joseph, firm Severe & Huyghe, dw Bank e of Caroline
Huzza John, constable, at Esq. Gorsuch's office, dw Potter st
n of Gay
Huzza Jane, dress maker, w side Market alley n of Saratoga st
Hyam Abm. paper hanger, Camden st e of Paca
Hyatt & Stump, grocers, 58 South st
Hyatt A. 6 St Paul st
Hyde Samuel G. soap and candle man. 21 Saratoga st cor Hol-
liday, dw Pleasant betw Calvert and Courtland
Hyde Mary, w side Spring st s of Pratt
Hyde Francis, cor Pleasant and Holliday sts
Hyde mrs Rachel, Calvert st s of Saratoga
Hyde Francis & Sons, fancy soap and candle manufacturers, 14
Pleasant st e of North, dw adjoining
Hyde Moses, of firm, dw Front st betw Gay and Hillen
Hyde Thomas T. carpenter, Davis st s of Pleasant, dw High st
near Gay
Hyde Wm. J. & Easter, dry goods mts. 153 Baltimore st
Hyde Wm. J. dw Front st n of Pitt
Hyde Oliver, jr. machinist, Sterling st near Mott
Hyde Margaret, grocer, s w cor Exeter and Low sts
Hyde mrs Sarah, Hollins st w of Schroeder
Hyde John, machinist, William st s of Hamburg
Hyde Geo. A. sugar baker, Lombard st e of Exeter
Hye James, painter, Montgomery ste of Charles
Hyland Henry M. blacksmith, Orleans st w of Caroline
Hyland L. G. carpenter, Preston st near Ross
Hyland Stephen, house carpenter, Orleans st w of Short
Hymes Thos. silversmith, Eden st n of Baltimore
Hymiller Jacob, carpenter, Orchard st near Ross
Hynson Nathaniel K. over 24 Baltimore st
Hynson Benj. cabinet maker, Aisquith st s of McElderry
Hynson Mary J. Eden st s oi Bank