Heiner Michael, basket maker, Alice Anna st e of Ann
Heiner Charles, confectioner, s e cor Eutaw and Mulberry sts
Heiner Rev. E. pastor German Reformed church, Second st be-
tween Gay and South
Heinz Frederick, blacksmith, corner Cove and Saratoga sts. dw
Mulberry near Cove
Heirn Ehet, painter, Ensor st e of Mott
Heisler & Co. lottery and exchange office, 1 n Calvert st
Heisler Wm. E. of firm, dw High st n of Lombard
Heitman Marianna H. dress maker, 2 Thames st
Heivlen Peter, sup. "Greenwood Retreat," Belle Air road
Helfrich George, wheelwright, Greene st near Lex. dw Market al
Hellen Thomas, huckster, Saratoga st e of Poppleton
Hellwig Lewis, currier, Madison st e of Biddle
Helm Wm. house carpenter, Canal st n of L McElderry
Helm Wm. carpenter, Potter st n of Pitt, dw Canal st
Helmling John, Saratoga st e of Paca
Helmling Anthony, bellows maker, Jefferson st w of Spring
Helmling Anthony, block and pump maker, Lee st w of Light
Helmling Henry, firm Wm. & H. Helmling, House's court, s of
Conway st w of Charles
Helms Joseph, shipwright, cor Fleet and Wolfe sts
Helsby Saml. tailor, Canal st s of Jefferson
Helpin Patrick, stone cutter, e side Exeter st s of Low
Hemerich Benliarf, butcher, w side Bond st n of Wilk
Hemmick George A. ladies' shoemaker, 9 Lexington st e of Park
Hemrnick Jacob, ladies' shoemaker, 81 Lex'n st e of Liberty
Hempe Adolph, machinist, Tripolett's alley n of Second st
Hemphill Rachel A. dress maker, Lombard st w of Caroline
Henchell Henry, shoemaker, Wolfe st n of Alice Anna
Henck mrs Sarah, dry goods siore, cor Pearl and George sts
Henck L. teacher, w s de Paca st n of Fayette
Henderson Miss, fancy dress maker, s e cor Lex'n and Pine sts
Henderson J. A. boot and shoemaker, e side Gay st s of Balt.
Henderson John, block & pump maker, send Fell st. dw Market
Henderson Henry, biscuit and cracker baker, s e cor Patterson
and Pratt sts. dw Camden e of Hanover
Henderson John W. shoemaker, Franklin st w of Chatsworth
Henderson Andrew, labourer, Pierce st w of Chatsworth
Henderson G. W. butcher, Light st extended, dw Cove st ext'd
Henderson David, carpenter, Pitt st e of Bond
Henderson Augustus, ropemaker, Harford av. dw High st
Henderson Andrew, grocery and feed store, Gay st near East
Henderson John, labourer, Cider alley w of Eutaw st
Henderson Wm. P. seaman, Henrietta st e of Charles
Henderson John, & Co. ship chandlers, cor Pratt and Commerce
sts. dw Market s of Pratt
Henderson Anthony, carter, e side Canal st s of Gough
Henderson Wm. marble cutter, Exeter st n of Fawn
Henderson H. H. ship biscuit and cracker baker, cor Pratt and
Patterson sts. dw Camden w of Charles