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Matchett's Baltimore Director for 1842
Volume 490, Page 2   View pdf image (33K)
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Opposite St. Paul's Church.
This Institution was opened May 1, 1839, in the commodious rooms in which Dr.
J. N. BAXTER, previously conducted a Classical and Scientific School. The
Chemical, Philosophical and Astronomical Apparatus is extensive and well selected.
The plan of the Institute embraces all the branches of a complete English education,
with the Latin, Greek, French, Spanish and German languages. Lessons in the
Modern Languages are given daily
Scholars in the Classical or Mathematical department, who enter for the year,
will not be charged extra for the Modern Languages ; but those who attend only by
the quarter, will be charged the usual extra rate of $8 per quarter.
In addition to the branches which have been taught heretofore, a class will meet
on every Saturday, in the forenoon, in Architectural Drawing. Those who desire
it will have an opportunity of pursuing their studies during the Summer holidays.
A record will be kept of every recitation, and the pupils who may have recited the
largest number of perfect lessons in their respective classes, during the year, will
have suitable premiums awarded them at the expiration of the Summer Term. Ar-
rangements have been made with the different Professors of the Institute, to accom-
modate a limited number of pupils with board. It is conceived that this plan will
preatly aid those of tender years, and will also be free from the objections which
usually appertain to extensive boarding establishments.
The PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT of the Institute, has been removed to the South-
west corner of Eutaw and Mullberry streets, and is entirely under the care and super-
intendence of H. J. NORTON, an able and experienced Teacher.
The pupils in this Department have the privilege of attending the Course of Lec-
tures on Astronomy, Chemistry, und Natural Philosophy.
The duties of instruction for the ensuing scholastic year, will bo resumed with
many advantages under the new arrangement for the acquisition of knowledge, on
MONDAY, the 30th of August, 1841, and close on the third FRIDAY in July, 1842. No
deduction will be made for absence.
Parents and Guardians who wish to examine the rooms, or enter pupils, will
receive every attention upon calling at the Preparatory School Room, at the Institute
in Courtland street, or at the residence of DR. JOHN N. BAXTER, on the east side of
Saint Paul-st, third door south of Saratoga St., between the hours of 9 A. M.and 12 M.
For Reading, Spelling, Geography, English Grammar
Arithmetic and Writing $10.00 per quarter
Mathematical Department, 15 00
Classical Department, - - - - - 15 00
Stationery -------- 1 00
Fuel, - - - - - - - - - 2 00 per season.
A deduction of $10 will be made on the bills of those who enter for the year
and pay halt yearly in advance.
A. FREITAG, LL. D. Professor of German Literature.
J. C. ROBINSON, Professor of Landscape Drawing and Painting.
JOSHUA W. GILL, Professor of Architectural Drawing.
H. J. NORTON, Instructor in English.
W. E. ELLIOTT, " "
Augut 16,1841.


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Matchett's Baltimore Director for 1842
Volume 490, Page 2   View pdf image (33K)
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