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Matchett's Baltimore Director for 1842
Volume 490, Page 195   View pdf image (33K)
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Harris Wm. painter, e side Constitution st s of Falls
Harris Saml. runner Citizens' Bank, Montg'y st vv of William
Harris A. C. cabinet maker, Montgomery st w of Light
Harris mrs Martha, Montgomery st w of Charles
Harris Elizabeth, Bank st w of Rden
Harris Wm. D. ship joiner, e side Ann st s of Wilk
Harris John, rigger, s end McElderry's wharf
Harris Lydia, oyster cel'ar, s vv cor Charles and Pratt sts
Harris Dr. C. A. dentist, 53 s Sharp st
Harris Sophia, n w cor Howard and Con way sts
Harris Charles, jr. lottery office, 12 Lombard st
Harrison mrs Ann, 20 w Fayette st
Harrison misses A. & E. boarding house, 70 St Paul st
Harrison Wm. N. periodical bookstore, 42 n Gay st
Harrison John, dry goods merchant, 121 Baltimore st. dw Holli-
day st n of Orange alley
Harrison Nathan, broker, North st. dw Howard n of Conway
Harrrson Wm. G. auctioneer, O'Donnell's wharf, dw Charles St
door n of Mulberry
Harrison Misses, 9 Barnet st
Harrison Wm. agent for Canton Co. dw cor Balt and Exeter sts
Harrison C. n Liberty st near Baltimore
Harrison mrs S. Eutaw court opposite Eutaw Church
Harrison mrs Christine, Union st near Ross
Harrison Benjamin, dry goods merchant, 153 1/2 Baltimore st
Harrison Wm. H. dry goods merchant, 187 Baltimore st
Harrison Wm. huckster, Baltimore st e of Amity
Harrison & Clap, hatters, 132 Baltimore st
Harrison Thomas, firm Harrison & Co. dw Park st s of Centre
Harrison Mary Ann, Bank st e of Market
Harrison Washington, dry goods merchant, Baltimore St. dw e
side Eutaw s of Mulberry
Harrison Thomas, Harford road
Harrison John, book agent, s side Sterling st w of Monument
Harrison Wm. carpenter, Mott st n of Gay
Harrison Robert H. turner, Front st. dw rotter n of Gay
Harrison Wm. C. blacksmith, Armistead lane e of Light st
Harrison mrs Ann, Henrietta st e of Charles
Harrison Wm. tobacconist, Sharp st n of Hill
Harrison T. P. 142 s Sharp st
Harison John, painter, 25 Caroline st
Harrison Thomas, of Thos. carpenter, 13 Fleet st
Harrison & Co. commission merchants, 16 s Charles st
Harrod John J. real estate, stock and produce agent, s w corner
Fayette and North sts. dw Fayette 1 door w of McClellan
Harrod & Heikens, shipping masters, cor Thames and Bond sts
Harrod Henry, of firm, dw Ann st n of Fleet
Harrod capt Henry, jr. Alice Anna st w of Market
Harrop mrs Ann, Harford avenue n of Monument st
Harry David, coal yard, cor Caroline and Lancaster sts. dw Jef-
ferson e of Eden


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Matchett's Baltimore Director for 1842
Volume 490, Page 195   View pdf image (33K)
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