Ellis Wm. milkman or keeper of cows, cor Pitt and Caroline sts
Ellis Elizabeth R, French st s of Centre
Ellis David, cabinet maker, Thomsen st e orFnendship
Ellison Samuel, copper roller, York st w of Charles
Ellitt John, carpenter, corner Hillen and Potter sis. dw Gay st
near Monument
Ellott James, drayman, Ross st near Eutaw
Eilott Benjamin, watchman, Muilikin st e of Caroline
Ellott Robert, butcher, Choptank st s of Hampstead
Ellsaser Michael, shoemaker, Fleet st e of Market
Elmore Wm. W. constable, Esq McDonald's office, dw East st
n of Douglass
Elmore James, butcher. Choptank st n of Baltimore
Elmore Lewis, clerk, e side Apple alleys of Baltimore st
Eltermann Frederick, proprietor of Adelphi House, s w corner
Fayette and Hoiliday sts
Elton Chas. Wm. grocer, cor Wilk and High sts
Eltonhead Thomas, watchmaker, jeweller, silversmith, &c.
Harrison st
Eltonhead ———— watchmaker, 14 Harrison sc
Ely M. S. shoemaker, Gay st near Exeter
Ely John C. bridge and wharf builder, 85 Ann st
Emack Wm. druggist, 4 s Liberty st
Eman Henry, shoemaker, s side Hillen st w of Potter
Eman Wm. carpenter, e side Gay st s of Aisquith
Emart Michael, carpenter, e side Gay st s of Aisquith
Emberger R. clothier, 394 Second st
Emberine Michael, tailor, Low st e of Forest
Emerick P. shoemaker, 23 Lombard st w of Cumberland Row
Emerick David, shoemaker, Penn av near Hoffman st
Emerson mrs Julia, Eden st n of Baltimore
Emerson Nathaniel, machinist, Lombard st w of Amity
Emery mrs Catharine, e side Paca st near Ross
Emick Peter, blacksmith, Baltimore at e of Poppleton
Emick Andrew, cabinet maker, e side Paca si near Lexington
dw corner Cove and Fayette
Emick J. V. stove dealer, tinner, corner Light and Water st.
dw Eutaw n of Camden
Emmart Joseph, Lexmgton Market Coffee House, Louisiana st
between Paca and Green e sts
Emmart J carpenter, s side French st opposite Centre
Emmerson Wm. manner, Lombard st w of Canal
Emmert Henry, tobacconist, Pratt st w of Howard
Emory Wm H. & D. C. Hopper, attorneys it law, office Fay-
ette st 3 doors w of St Paul
Emory Wm. H. of firm, dw cor Eutaw and New sts
Emory Samuel, stonemason, Lombard st w of Amity
Emory &, Co. lottery and exchange broken, 2 n Calvert st
Emory & Gault, granite stone yard, Pratt st w of Penn
Emory J. B. of firm dw Camden st e of Paca
Emory Richard, dw St Paul st s of Mulberry