Egerton C. C. sen. boarding house, Exchange place, n side Lom-
bard st near South
Egerton C. C. jr. lottery broker, n e cor Commerce and Pratt sts,
dw Pratt w of Canal
Eggers Henry, over 4 Cheapside
Eggleston Joseph, carpenter, Raborg st e of Cove
Eggleston Margaret, mantna maker, Potter st n of Douglass
Egleston Isaiah, victualler, Monument st e of Canal
Egleston Rebecca, e side Bond st n of Pratt
Eglin mrs Mary, Wolfe st s of Alice Anna
Eglin Charles, bookbinder, Temple st 5 doors n of Baltimore
Ehlen J. H. sugar refiner, e side Eutaw st near Saratoga, dw
152 n Paca st
Ehrhart George, tailor, Pitt st w of Canal [of Lombard
Ehrman Jacob, carpenter, German st e of Eutaw, dw Eutaw
Ehrman Marcus, blacksmith, Strawberry al s of Lancaster st
Ehrman John, carpenter, Wiik st w of Albemarle
Eichelberger Wm. of J. notary public, cor Fayetie and Charles
sts dw Pascault's row, Lexington st
Eichelberger, J. F. & J. S. tobacconists, 95 n Howard st
Eichelberger J. F. dw Paca st e of Greene
Eichelberger J. S. dw Mulberry st near Pearl
Eichelberger O. W. firm Erskine, Eichelberger & Co. dw Han
over st betw German and Lombard
Eichelberger Wm. firm of ditto, dw 25 Hanover st
Eichelberger John, tobacconist, Mulberry st e of Lerew's alley
Eichelberger John M. painter, Paca st near Saratoga, dw Mul-
berry e of Pine
Eichelberger Charles W. painter, Pine st n of Saratoga
Eichelberger Geo. S. 69 n Exeier st
Eicheiherger Emeline, Wilk st e of Caroline
Eichelberger & Knight, carpenters, s e cor Paca & Saratoga sts
Eickler mrs Ruth, boarding house, Baltimore st w of Pearl
Eidel Philip, carter, Alley w of William st s of West
Eigelberner Peter, tinman, e side Howard st 2d door n of Dove:
Eikler Jacob, shoemaker, n side Low st w of Exeter
Einhorn ———— labourer, w side Light st s of West
Eisenbrant C. H. imp. & man. of musical instruments, 54 Bait, st
Eisenbray capt John, e side Exeter st s of Pratt
Eisler John, saddler, Pitt st w of Potter
Elbert Mary Ann, Market st n of Alice Anna
Elder, Gelston & Co. com mts. w side Commerce st below Pratt
Elder B. T, of firm, dw Fayette st e of Paca
Elder Basil S. of firm, d w Fayette st e of Paca
Elder & Gorsuch, cabinet makers, s w cor Eutaw and Mulberry
Elder Hillary J. of firm, dw Ross st near Orchard
Elder Francis W. firm Hussey & Elder, proprietors of Eutaw
House, n w cor Baltimore and Eutaw sts
Elder H. watchman, Penn av near Union st
Elder Alien, book keeper, High st s of Salisbury
Elder Adam, stone mason, Spring st n of Wilk