Dunn Wm. drayman, Liberty al s of Monument st
Dunn & Kenny, wheelwrights, w side High st s of French
Dunn Michael, wheelwright, 50 n High st
Dunn Edward, carter, Columbia st w of Scott
Dunn Francis, huckster, Con way st e of Warner
Dunn Washington, huckster, Welcome al e of Charles st
Dunn Mrs Susan, Welcome al e of Charles st
Dunn James, 92 s Sharp st
Dunn John, labourer, Apple al e side n of Lancaster st
Dunn C. & Co. clothing store, 44 Market space
Dunns C. dress maker, Charles street City Spring court
Dunneford Martin, shoemaker, e side Spring st n of Gough
Dunning & Thompson, drapers and tailors, 47 n Gay st
Dunning Geroge, Penn'a Hotel, corner Forest and Hillen sts
Dunning Samuel, butcher, Harford avenue n of Aisquith st
Dunnett David, clerk, Columbia st opposite Greene
Dunnington Elizabeth W. milliner, Hanover st n of the Market
Dunnington W. A. & Co. proprietors of Plaister mill, Hughes st
Dunnington Francis, dw Charles st n of Lee [at basin
Dunsford Peter, grocer, corner Charles and Henrietta sts
DuPree Margaret, e side Greene st n of Raborg
Durand John, rope maker, Harford avenue near rope walk
Durburow John, Howard st near Centre
Durburow Hammond, dry goods mt. 51 n Howard st, dw 150do
Durchhauson F. C. dry goods merchant, 49J n Howard st
Durding W. H. tavern, Wilk st e of Caroline
Durding John T Pratt st e of Cough
Durham Wm. tailor, Jasper st near Lexinpton
Durham Lloyd, grocer, corner Eutavv and Camden sts
During D. T. oil dealer, St Mary's st e of Paca
During John, ladies' shoemaker, St Mary's st e of Penn avenue
Durity Nathaniel, shoemaker, w Falls avenue s of Lombard st
Durkee Purl, cabinet maker, Pitt st e of Aisquith
Durkee Dr. 59 Gay st n of Saratoga
Durlin Edward, oyster house, 23 Caroline st
Durocher A. H. professor of dancing, Law buildings, Lexington
st w of St Paul
Durring Martha, milliner, e side East st n of Douglass
Durst mrs Frances, 175 Hanover st corner York
Dusenbury capt Samuel, s e corner Liberty and Fayette sts
Dush Michael, labourer, Montgomery st w of Light
Dushane Nathan, carpenter, Charles st s of Centre
Dushane John, jr. carpenter, Franklin st 1 door w of Chatsworth
Dushane John, carpenter, n w corner Sharp and Lombard sts.
dw w side Sharp st 1 door n of Perry
Dushane Valentine, carpenter, Greene st w of Lombard, dw
Franklin st w of Pearl
Dushane Cornelius, bricklayer, corner Conway and L Greene sts
Duster John, labourer, 45 Thames st
Dutch Wm. firm Merrill, Hotchkiss & Co. dw Park s of Madison
Dutch Wm. dw Lexington st e of Pine