Duff Peter, labourer, Lerew's al n of Madison st
Duff Valentine, blacksmith, Monument st e of Britton
Duff & Dubois, ship chandlers and grocers, 43 Thames St
Duff Henry, firm, ditto, dw Pratt st near Exeter
Duff James, engineer, Wiik ST e of Bond
Duff William, engineer, Boston st. Canton
Duffy Peter, carter, Union st near Ross
Duffy Rachel, Water st 1 door w of Calvert
Duffy Hugh, cor L McElderry and Aisquith sts
Duffy James, 110 Dugan's wharf
Dugan Frederick, n side Exchange place, next Exchange hotel
Dugan J. J. dw n w cor St Paul and Mulberry sts
Dugan Mrs F. butter dealer, s side French st e of Bath
Dugan Louisa, tailoress, 7 Mercer st
Dugent Francis, upholsterer, e side Mott st s of of Sterling
Duhamel James, importer German goods, 178 Paca st
Duhurst G. L. & Co. druggists, s w cor Market space and Du-
gan's wharf, dw Gay st near shot tower
Duhurst Mrs Mary, n Gay st s of shot tower
Duhurst Benjamin, grocer, cor Howard and Madison sts
Duke Js. grocer, intersection Gay and Madison sts
Dukehart John, Fayette st betw Holliday and Calvert sts
Dukehart & Balderston, feed and grain merchants, Frederick st
w side n of Pratt, dw Edw. Balderston Hanover st
Dukehart Robert W. Holliday st n of Saratoga
Dukehart Wm. rivetted hose maker, 3 Balderston st. dw e side
High st s of French
Dukehart Henry, proprietor of Exchange stables, North st s
Dukehart & Co. variety store, 1014 Baltimore st
Dukehart V. firm ditto, d\v do do
Dukehart Joseph, firm ditto, dw Aisquith st near Monument
Dukehart capt Thomas, cor Pitt st and Maiden lane
Dukehart E. W. dw 154 Hanover st
Dukehart Henry, butcher, 97 Bond st
Dukehart John, carter, Eden st s of Bank
Dukehart Adam, labourer, Albemarle st s of Wilk
Dukes James, watchman, over 8 n Frederick st
Dulany G. L. attorney at law, St Paul st n of Church lane, dw
Courtland st n of Mulberry
Dulany Wm. mt. tailor, 44 n Howard st. dw Pine st n of Frank
Dulany Wm. carpenter, Ross st vv of Jasper
Dulany capt Wm. U. S. N., com. marine rendezvous, Frederick
st n of Lombard, dw Aisquith st
Dulaney Hannah, President st s of Stiles
Dulin Dr A. n w cor Fayette and Charles sts
Dulin Thomas, blacksmith, Montgomery st w of Charles st
Dull & Beacham, blacksmiths, s end McElderry's wharf, dw
Dull Pratt st 2d door from Gay
Dullen John, tailor, s side French st e of Bath
Dumbleton J. A. 26 n Gay st