Darragh Ann, grocer, e side Light st s of Hughes's quay
Darrock Jeremiah, gardener, w Pratt st ext'd e of the run
Dash George, labourer, Hamburg st e of Light
Dashields Mitchell, seaman, Eden st s of Pitt
Dashields Levin, blacksmith, Gould's court n of Montgomery st
w of Light
Dashields James J. shoemaker, e side Eden st n of Gough
Dashiell Jesse, tailor, w side High st n of Pitt
Dashiell Mary, corner Alice Anna and Market sts
Dashiell Dr. Nicholas L. corner Alice Anna and Market sts
Dashiell Levin F. grocer corner Bank st and Happy alley
Daugherty Wm. cooper, corner Fawn and High sts
Daugherty Philip, carpet weaver, East st s of Douglass
Daugherty Roger, blacksmith, s side fish market bridge
Daugherty Margaret, huckster, 77 McElderry's wharf
Daughterly mrs Catherine, boarding house, 42 n Frederieck st
Daugherty Henry, tailor, Monument st e of Eden
Daugherty Neal, grocer, corner Union alley and Ross st
Daugherty James, grocer, corner Ross and Eutaw sts
Daugherty Julia, e side Constitution st. n of French
Davaraux mrs Catherine, lower end McElderry's wharf
Davenport Joseph, currier, Cheapside, dw w side High n of Pitt
David Margaret, feed store, corner Front st and Livery alley
David Elizabeth, tailoress, e side. Tripolet's alley n of Second st
David Eleonora, milliner, s side Second st e of Gay
Davids Mrs. chair caner, Forest t s of Orleans
Davidson Robert, weaver, Cover s of Sarah Ann
Davidson Edward, grocer, corner Pine st and Chestnut alley
Davidson & Sanders, wholesale dealers in foreign and domestic
dry goods, 240 Baltimore st
Davidson George, potter, corner Jefferson and Spring sts
Davidson Francis, Jefferson st e of Canal
Davidson Wm. shoemaker, Monument st w of Spring
Davidson Thomas, Aisquith st n of Monument
Davidson mrs Sarah, dress maker, Gay st near Exeter
Davidson Nelson, coachmaker, Paca st n of Pratt, dw German st
Davidson Isabella B. Fleet st w of Market fe of Pine
Davidson Mary B. 12 Block st
Davidson James, turner, e Falls avenue s of Pratt st
Davidson Dr. S. A. 57 s Charles st
Davies Jacob G. miller, 81 Bowly's wharf, mills Frederick road
w of run, dw corner Pleasant and St Paul sts
Davies Ezekiel, w of Loney's lane, n of e Monument st exten-
ded, near rope walk
Davis Geo. S. plaisterer, Fayette st 2 doors w of Crooked lane
Davis John, ladies' shoemaker, Raborg st e of Cove
Davis Wm. painter, Saratoga st w of Howard
Davis Caroline, North st n of Pleasant
Davis Richard T. 74 n Charles st
Davis & Ferry, gorcers, s e eorner Howard and Saratoga sts