Curley James, carpenter, N alley near Park st. d w 104 Park
Curley James W. hardware mt. dw Park st n of Madison
Curran Barney, carpenter, Hillst. dw Cove n of Columbia
Curran mrs Michael, 59 s Frederick st
Currax James T. finisher of castings, Light st s of Hamburg
Curren John, s side Ensor st e of Mott
Curren miss Catharine, mantua maker, 40 w Saratoga st
Currier Daniel S. wheelwright, under Penn'a hotel, corner Hil-
len and Forest sts
Curry John, labourer, French st near Bath
Curry Samuel P. grocery and feed store, cor Gay and Canal sts
Curry John R. carpenter, e side High st n of Pill
Curtain Jerry, weaver, Pierce st vv of Chatsworth
Curtain James, carpenter, Montgomery st e of Hanover
Curtain Wm. keeper Columbian gardens, e Baltimore st
Curtin,Thomas, carpenter, Baltimore st w of Pine
Curtin Mary, grocer, German st 3 doors e of Sharp
Curtin Robert, painter, Strawberry alley s of Pitt st
Curtin mrs Jane, Pitt st w of Strawberry alley
Curtis & Stansbury, grocers, 112 n High st
Curtis Levi, dw 112 n High st
Curtis John, cabinet maker, Carpenter's alley w of Eutaw st
Curvel John, bricklayer, 245 n Howard st
Curvel Frances, fish dealer, York av n of Madison st
Cushing & Brother, booksellers, 206 Baltimore st
Cushing Joseph, jr. of firm, dw n side Fayette st e of Liberty
Cushing John & Co. booksellers, 6 n Howard st
Cushing J. dw Lombard st w of Paca
Cushing David, Baltimore st w of Greene
Cushing Joseph sen. president Baltimore Savings Bank, dw
Pratt st w of Howard
Cushing George W. firm Lirermore & Cushing, dw St Paul st
s of Franklin
Cushley Wm. grocer, corner Bond and Hampstead sts
Custom House, n w cor Gav and Lombard sts—see Appendix
Cutier J. S. fancy store, 69 Baltimore st
Cutts mrs Mary, Orleans st e of Caroline
Cuyk Abraham, agent for different lines of stages, &c. for South
and West, 42 Fell st. F P
Czvithovicz Rev. Alexander, pastor St James's Catholic church
Aisquith st adjoining church
DA CAMARA Joze B. wine and commission merchant, 9 D
Frederick st. d w 11 do.
Daferner John, furrier, w side Penn av n of Pearl st
Daffin Benjamin, cutler in general, 1 Holliday st
Dager Henry, tailor, East st near Ensor
Dagner Samuel, hatter, corner Jefferson and Spring sts
Dahl Jacob, shoemaker, Ross st extended
Dahle &, Schwalbe, tailors, 72 centre market space
Dahle C. of firm, dw 72 centre market space
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