Crew Elizabeth, Forest st n of Madison
Crey Frederick, paver, cor Beuren and Madison sts
Crey Henry, paver, Beuren st near Madison
Cripps Thomas, 30 1/2 Harrison st—up stairs
Criqui Ferdinand, shoemaker, Liberty st 4 doors s of Lombard,
dvv cor Howard st and Welcome alley
Crisall John, shoemaker, Henrietta st e of Charles
Crise J. L. grocer, 117 n Eutaw st
Crisp John, Lexington st e of Cove
Crisp John, watchman. Bond st s of Fleet
Crist Philip, labourer, Wilk st w of Canal
Crist Wm. Ensor st s of Madison
Cristner Joseph, potter, Raborg st w of Poppleton
Crockard John, stone cutter, Cove st n of Pierce
Crocken ——, shoemaker, Chamberlain alley
Crocker James, tailor, 76 n Exeter st
Crocker Emanuel, baker, w side High st n of Baltimore
Crocker N. T. crockery dealer, n side Lomb'd st w of the mark't
Crockett Nehemiah, shoemaker, Pearl st n of Lexington
Croft John, Tavern, President st s of Fawn
Cromer Mary, tailoress, n side German st 4 doors e of Eutaw
Cromwell Oliver T. coachmaker, Saratoga st e of Schroeder
Cromwell Levi, gunsmith, 35 Thames st
Cromwell Jacob G. carpenter, Franklin st e of Cove
Cromwell Joshua, e side Ann st s of Gough
Cromwell R. e side Paca st s of Franklin
Cromwell Edward, shoemaker, Balderston st e of Charles
Cromwell Debrah, 72 n High st
Cromwell John, cabinet maker, Conway st e of Eutaw
Cromwell Garrison, Wayne st w of Sharp
Cromwell Thomas, cabinet maker, 26 Thames st
Crone Robert, hair cutter and shaver, Pratt st w of Jones's falls
Croney John W. shoe store, corner Wilk and Bond sts
Cronhard H. shoemaker, e side Exeter st s of Low
Cronhard Henry, shoemaker, 30 Bond st
Cronmiller Dr. John, opposite corner Franklin and Pine sts. dw
intersection George and Biddle sts
Cronmiller Dr. Wm. Camden st e of Sharp
Crook Mrs. St Paul st n of Pleasant
Crook Wm. grocer, 4 n Charles st. dw 32 Front
Crook G. A. 20 Barnet st
Crook Walter, jr. upholsterer and paper hanger, 176 Baltimore
st. dw Fayette st w of Holliday
Crook Daniel, Harford avenue n of Madison st
Crook Charles, (Crook's factory,) French st nearly opp Potter
Crook James, Baltimore st e of Lloyd
Crook Francis A. firm Sellman & Crook, 50 South st
Crooks Joshua, carter, Sarah Ann st e of Cove
Crookshanks & Jones, grocers and com mts. 6 Light st wharf
Crookshanks John, of firm, dw 128 Hanover st
Cropper Stephen, shoemaker, Sugar alley w of Light st