Coleman Charles, bricklayer, Monument st e of Canal
Coleman Ellis, shoemaker, 10 Light st. dw Eden n of Baltimore
Coleman Charles, butcher, Spring st s of Silver
Coleman Edward, block and pump maker, Eden st s of Gough
Coleman mrs Mary, L Greene st n of Conway
Coleman Charles R. clerk in Merchants' bank, Paca w of L Paea
Coleman capt George A, n side Thames st w of Ann
Coleman & Cleaveland, ship smiths, cor Block and Point sts
Coleman Thos. of firm, dw Wilk st w of Washington
Coleman Wm. segar maker, Philpot alley w of Gough st
Coles Wm. 229 n Howard st
Coles Wm. ladies' shoe maker, 98 Pitt st
Collett George, proprietor "white horse tavern," Swan st
Colley John W. carpenter, Raborg st e of Cove
Colliday Joseph S. carpenter, w side High st s of French
Collier Wm. J. blacksmith, Raborg st w of Poppleton
Collier Ralph, tinner, n side Lombard st e of Frederick, dw s side
French st e of Bath
Collier Henry, blacksmith, Schroeder st n of Lombard
Collier Mr. potter, L Hughes st w of Light
Collier Levin, lumber inspecfor, Hanover st n of York
Collier Ebenezer, mariner, 77 McElderry's wharf
Collings Samuel, seaman, Aisquith st s of McElderry
Collingwood George, shoemaker, Park st n of Lexington
Collins George, Raborg st e of Amity
Collins V. tailor, Hanover st s of Montgomery
Collins mrs Margaret, Raborg st e of Amity
Collins James E. tavern keeper, 11 Thames st
Collins Wm. H. attorney at law, Courthouse lane, dw Calvert st
betw Saratoga and Lexington
Collins Thomas, grocer, Saratoga st 3 doors w of Cove
Collins James L. hardware dealer, Charles st s of Balderston
Collins James W. surveyor, 3 Barnet si. dw 51 n Charles
Collins Nancy, seamstress, n side Hillen st w of High
Collins Geo. C. grocer and com mt. 15 Light st wharf, dw e side
Front st n of Pitt
Collins mrs Charity, Gay st near Aisquith
Collins Ann, mantua maker, s side Addison st w of High
Collins Wm. tailor, Columbia st e of Emory
Collins Samuel, varnisher, Eutaw st s of Lee
Collins Henry, brickmaker, Eutaw st s of Montgomery
Collins Patrick, machinist, York st w of Light
Collins mrs Elizabeth, L Hughes st w of Light
Collins mrs Ann, teacher, Charles st s of Montgomery
Collins Thomas S Charles st n of Sugar alley
Collison Wm. mt tailor, 3 s Sharp st. dw Lee e of Howard
Colly Roderick, labourer, Canton, e of Harris's creek
Colter John, labourer, Richmond st w of Cathedral
Colton Wm. boot and shoe store, 24 Market st
Colton Mrs. grocer, n w corner Park and Lexington sts
Colton & McAleer, blacksmiths and bell hangers, 92 Harrison st