Coath & Sargeant, proprietors of "gunners hall" Lombard st w
of Exeter
Coath Wm. & Jno. tavern keepers, cor Swan st and market space
Cobb ———— n end North st vv side near Belvidere bridge
Cobb mrs Ruth, w side Eutaw st n of Saratoga
Cobb Geo. F. firm Edwards & Cobb, North st near Belvid. br.
Cobb Josiah, grocer, 40 n Liberty st
Coburn James, dry good and fancy store, 151 1/2 Baltimore st. dw
Gay st opposite the German Church
Cobarn Wm. bricklayer, Orleans st e of Canal
Coburn Wm H. firm McLean & Co. dw e Pratt st
Cochran Wm. dairy, St Paul st s of Centre
Cochran David, domestic manufacturer, Preston st near Penn av
Cochran James E. Aisquith st s of Madison
Cochran J. W. teacher, s w corner Eutaw and Mulberry sts
Cochran James, tailor, Barre st e of Sharp
Cochran Chas clerk Farmers' & Planters' Bank, 142 Hanover st
Cochran Tamar, tailoress, Alice Anna si w of Caroline
Gochrane James, s side Lombard st w of Frederick
Cochrane & Brother, cabinet makers, 29 Hanover st
Cochrane Richard, dw Barre st
Cockey Edward, 190 Howard st
Cockey Joshua, proprietor of Wheatfield Inn, n Howard st
Cockey Elizabeth, w side Front st s of Hillen
Cockey Samuel, e side Exeter st n of Pitt
Cockey Chas. ship joiner, McElderry's wf. dw Wilk e of Exeter
Cockey Dr. J. Paul, corner Lombard and Albemarle sts
Cockey Dr. J. C. corner Lombard and Albemarle sts
Cockrill Rebecca, corner Philpot and Wilk sts
Cockrili Dr. J. J. P Thames st. dw corner Thames and Philpot sts
Coe Alexander Benson, clerk in Record office, dw Lexington st
door e of Pearl
Coffee capt. James, 11 Spring st Fountain Row
Coffey Wm. s w corner North and Bath sts
Coffin Rev. Wm. H. Montgomery st e of Light
Coffin capt. Charles E. Block st vv of Thames
Cofield Jeremiah, Happy alley e side n of Alice Anna st
Cofran John, stone cutter, Pratt e of Penn
Cogan James, grocer, Bath st w of North
Cogswell James, hat manufacturer, 94 Harrison st
Cohen & Bro. banking house, n e cor Baltimore and Calvert sts
Cohen J. I. Jr. of firm, dw Charles st near Franklin
Cohen B. I. of firm, dw Charles st near Pleasant
Cohen D. I. exchange office 1 North st. dw s w cor Monument
and Howard sts
Cohen E. P. commission merchant, 74 Bowly's wf. dw Courtland
n of Pleasant
Cohen Moses, dry goods store, 17 Baltimore st
Cohen L. J. s Charles st. dw Frederick st 3 doors s of Baltimore
Cohen S. clothier, s side Lombard st e of Frederick
Cohlepp Casper, grocer, n e corner Cove and Fayette sts