Campbell Henry, tinner, Baltimore st w of Pearl
Campbell John, baker, corner Orleans and Spring sts
Campbell mrs Pener, Harford avenue near Rope walk
Campbell Thomas, cobler, e side Front st n of Pitt
Campbell Wm. L. carpenter, Cider alley, dw e side Eulaw st n
of Mulberry
Campbell Mrs. milliner, e side Eutaw st n of Mulberry
Campbell George W. fish dealer, Ensor st n of Madison
Campbell Wm. blacksmith, 73 n Exeter st
Campbell George R. police officer, Humes st w of Exeter
Campbell Adam, confectioner, Fleet si w of Market
Campbell mrs Neale, grocery and liquor store, n e corner Lom-
bard and Frederick sts
Campbell & Schleigh, coach and saddery hardware dealers, 16
s Calvert st. shop Bank lane near St Paul st
Camper Thomas, dry goods merchant, 135 1/2 Baltimore st
Camper John, corner Pratt and High sts
Canby Benjamin, brush maker, corner Pine and Mulberry sts
Candall Joseph, Fort avenue s of Powderhouse
Candler Isaac, bookseller and stationer, Pratt st near Hanover
Candy Michael, victualler, Pierce st e of Cove
Canfield & Brothers, jewelry and fancy military store, s e cornet
Baltimore and Charles sts
Caniece Wm. carpet weaver, Granby st e of Exeter
Cann James, confectioner, 14 w Pratt st
Cann Reuben, fisher, Hamburg st e of William
Cann Noah, fisher, Johnson st s of Cross
Cann Lloyd, fisher, Johnson st s of Cross
Cannon J. B. firm Wever &. Cannon, dw Fayette st e of Liberty
Cannon mrs Mary, corner Aisquith and Douglass sts
Canoals Mary, Ensor st n of Madison
Canoals John, hackman, Ensor st n of Madison
Canon Edward, seaman, Strawberry alley s of Pitt st
Canon James, mariner, Granby st e of Gough
Canon miss Sarah, North st betw Pleasant and Bath
Canton Co's office, corner Boston and Patuxent sts. Wm. Har
rison agent, dw corner Baltimore and Exeter sts
Canton Depot, of Phil. Wil. and Balt. Boston st near Patuxent
Wm. Duff, superintendent
Cantwell mrs Sarah, n side Fayette st e of Paca
Capito Mrs. Fayette st between Run alley and Pine st
Cappeau & Uhler, commission merchants, 20 German st
Cappeau Joseph jr. of firm, dw 25 George st
Cappeau mrs Sarah, boarding house, Howard st s of German
Capprise Joseph, shipwright, Fountain st e of Washington
Carback Elisha, boot and shoe maker, 74 w Lexington st dw 8
n Howard st
Carback miss Mary, tailoress, Mulberry st w of Pearl
Carborough Patrick, labourer, s of Wil'k st e of Exeter
Care mrs Elizabeth, w side Greene st near Franklin
Carere mrs John, Franklin st w of Park