COS Matchett's Baltimore
Perry, labourer, Charles st s of Hill
[ ] Thomas. M,n,,rer, WiJk st e of Wolf
+ [C ] Happy al near WiJk st
+ C [ ], Apple al near Fleet st
+ Cooper Wm. caulker, Wolf st s of Bank st
+Cooper Peter, caulker, Wolfs of Bank st
+ Cooper James, caulker, Wolf s of Bank st
+Cooper Rachel, Mechanics' Court near High st
Coaster Samuel, segar maker, 81 Pratt w of Howard st
Copeman Henry, cabinet maker 81 Pratt st
Coper Giles, keeper city spring, dw 131 s Sharp st
Copper Rachel, washer, Union st n of Penn av
Copper Robert, N. cordwainer, Chatsworth w of Biddle st
+Copper, Benjamin, labourer, Guilford al 2 doors e of Charles St
Coppersmith David, cabinet maker, Franklin e of Cove st
Coran, Joseph, cordwainer, Bond s of Pinkney st
Corbel Peter, cordwainer cor Orleans and Canal sis
Corbes Sarah, sempstress, Hill near Charles st
Corbon David, bookbinder, Hillen near Front st
Cord Wm. cooper, Eager al e side
Cordery Mrs. Maria, Eden s of Pratt st
Cordray Elizabeth, cor Holliday st and Orange al
Cork James, sawyer, Sugar al e of Charles st
Corkran Charles, clerk Lee st w of Charles
Cornelius Peter, Gough n of Pratt st
Cornelius S. nil tailor, Pratt near Hanover dw Hanover s of Lee
Cornelius Nicholas, clothing store, Light near Pratt st
Cor[ ] James, saihnaker, Ann st s of Thames
[ ] flour mt. dw Stiles near Exeter st
[ ] pt. John. Market st s of Bank st
Corner James [ ] com mt O'Doneil's wfdw s Gay st
Second and Baltimore streets
[ ] Daniel, sawyer, Guilford al w of Light st
[ ] David, cook shop, Commerce, n of Pratt st
[ ] Jacob, sawyer, Argyle al n of Alice Anna st
[ ] Wm. Apple al s of Fleet st
[ ] Ignatius, drover, cor Light and Henrietta
[ ] Wm. cabiner maker, 29 Fleet st
[ ] Robert, hat manufactory, 7 Thames st
[ ] tavern, 75 Hanover st
[ ] sheet iron worker, 10 Balt and 6 Har-
[ ] Market st sof Thames
[ ] Davis st near Bath
[ ] , Holiday st near Centre
Corwine mrs [ ] near Monument st
++ Cosey David shoemaker [ ]
[ ], grocer, cor Exeter and Fawn sts
[ ] Richmond opposite Park it
[See image for text]