Director for 1837. BUR
+Buck, Benjamin, stevedore, Caroline s of Wilk st
Buckey Daniel, mt. Balt w of Liberty, dw Paca n of Mulberry
Buckingham Samuel, engineer, Montgomery e of Light st
Buckingham Elizabeth, dw Sterling near'Mott st
Bucklass Henry, pilot, Ann st 1 door n of Fleet st
Buckler Dr. office and dw, St. Paul's n of Lexington st
Buckley John &, Co. painters in general, Falls av n of Pratt st
Buckley Timothy, grocer Harford av
Buckmiller Wm. tanner, Buren near Monument st
Buckmiller Robt. tanner, North st near Rail Road Depot
Buckwalter A. flour mt. Balt w of Howard, dw Conway w of
Buckway Richd, mariner,Short st opposite Short al [Eutaw
Budd James, labourer, Armistead lane e of Light st
Bugbee Hiram H. carpenter, Cambridge st Canton
Buhre Gotleib V. cons:able, York bet Charles and Light Sts
Bujac Mrs. A. T. lady's boarding school, cor Asquith & Forrest
Bulger Michael, Pearl st s of Park lane
Bulger Morris, dairy, Balt e of Pine st
Bull Mrs. Harriet, milliner. 84 n Gay st
Bull & Tuttle, book and job printers n w cor Balt &, Gay Ets
Bull Edmund, printer, Mulberry st w of Paca
Bull Jarrett, 96 n Eutaw st
Bull George W, draper & tailor, 160 w Balt st
Bull John, shoe dealer, 56 Pratt st
Bull Henry, clerk, Aisquith bet Hollins & Forest Sts
Bullen Henry, steamboat hand, 23 Comet st
Bullen Frederick, barber, 110 w Pratt st
Bullsler Thos clothing store, Light st whf dw 109 a Sharp at
Bunous John, tailor, Charles st n of Montgomery
Bunce Capt. Wm. Water e of Exeter st
Bunten Mrs. Elizabeth, Gough n of Pratt st
Bunting John, carpenter, Canal near Monument st
Bunting Wm. J. shoe findings store. 76 n Howard st
Bunting Jane, widow, Hill st bet Light & Chariest Sts
Bunyie Robert, musical instrument maker, Gay s of Saratoga
+Buoy Solomon, blacksmith, Sugar al e of Charles st
+Buoy John, labourer, Perry st w of Howard st
Burford Edward, blacksmith, Wilk st,shop McElderry's wharf
Burgan Philip, blacksmith, Liberty st near Buren st
Burgess Barney, carter, Wolfs of Pratt st
Burgess A—carpenter, n w cor Bond and Pratt st
Burgess Caleb W. grocer, cor Gay and Exeter
Burgess Basil, baker, Jackson Court e of Ross st
Burgess Wm. tailor, Sharp e of Balt dw 93 Green st
Burgess James, Pitt w of Aisquith
Burgess James Jr. Aisquith s of Orleans
Burgess Stephan, ship carpenter 40 Orleans
Burgess Margaret widow, Orleans e of Aisquith
+Burgess Alexander, porter, 11 Painter's Court near Pitt st