Director for 1887. BRI
Brevitt George, carpenter, Canal near Jefferson st
Brevitt Dr. Joseph, 76 n High st
Brewer Elias, tavern, 5 Fish-market tpace
Brewer Charles, moulder, Wolf 1 door n of Wilk st
Brewer N. justice of Peace, 53 C. Market space, dw 27 n Gay st
Brewer Danl, cabinetmaker, Harrison n of Balt dw 38 Harrison
Brewer Mrs. Eliza, huckster, York avenue
Brian Eliza, tailoress, 61 n Exeter st
Briant John, band box man. 27 1-2 Balt st
Brice George H. attorney at law, Fayette near St Paul's st dw
Charles n of Henrietta
Brice John, com mt. office Gay near Water st dw Calvert near
Saratoga st
Brice Henry, notary public.46 Water st dw Forest near Balt st
Brice Nicholas, clerk, cor Sharp and Lee Sts
Brice Mrs. mantua maker, 127 Pearl st
Brice Hon. N. judge of city court, dw Charles n of Hambleton st
Brice Susan, Low st a of Aisquith st
+ Brice Kinsey, porter, Short st s of Jefferson st
Bridener Martin, baker, Totter n of Gay
Bridge Isabella, Tyson al w of Falls road
Bridges Wm. confectioner, 237 w Balt st
Brings James, painter High bot French and Hillen
Briggs Richard, cabinet maker, Chesnut al e of Pearl st
Briggs Charles, carter, car Eden and Baltimore Sts
Briggs Ann, Widow, 6 Hill st
Bright Capt Thomas Stiles w of Albemarle st
Bright Cloudsley,carter, Bounty lane bet Caroline St Spring sts
Bright Nathaniel, tailor, Sterling near Monument
Bright Himel, Widow, Monument st w of Canal
+Bright Major, sawyer, Forrest s of Douglass
Bright Sarah, washer. Little Sharp st s of Barnet
Brightman John cabinet maker. Mulberry w of Eutaw
+Brightman Henry, drayman Vine st e of Pine st
Brinard Albert, sugar refiner, Long al s of Ross st
Brinckman Henry, Blacksmith, Lee e of Charles st
+Brion Aaron, coachman, Exeter near Hillen
+Brion Wesley, labourer, Charles st extended
Briscoe Mrs. Mary, boarding house, 39 Albemarle st
Briscoe Lewis, barber, Balt st w of Paca
Briscoe Dr. J. H. 6 St. Paul's st
+ Briscoe Gabriel, barber, 116 n Howard st
tBriscoe Wm. drayman, w Montgomery gt extended
Brister Susan; dairy, Pearl st s of Saratoga
Briscoe James, com mt Light st wharf dw 95 s Paca st
+Briscoe David, porter, Forest s of Orleans st
Briton Theodore, brick maker, Cove n of Balt st
Britt S. cordwainer, cor Lerew's al and Franklin st
Brittingham Solomon, grocer, 152 n Howard st