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AUS Matchett's Baltimore
Ashcam Alexander, Pilot, N. E corner Gough and Bond sts.
Ashcroft Thomas R, ship carpenter, Hartf. Av. near Monu-
Ashley Geo., Wool spinner, Rock st. N of Lexington, [ment.
Ashman Wm., Justice of the Peace, Paca N of Balt sts.
Ashton M. Tailor, 6 Albemarle st.
Askey John, boat builder, al w of Harford run near Pratt st
Askey Wm. cooper, al w of Harford run near Pratt st
+Askins Christopher, labourer,. Honey alley w of Charles st.
+Askridge Thomas, labourer, Happy alley s of Fleet st.
Assembly Room, N E corner Holiday and Fayette sts.
Ates Hannah, washer, Park st E of Poppletoa.
Atkinson Samuel, grocer, 24 Market st. F p.
Atkinson Joshua, shoe store, corner Market and Lancaster sts.
Atkinson Eleanor 20 Alice Anna st. F p.
Atkinson Angelo, ship carpenter Bank E of Market st.
Atkinson and Co. plane manuf. corner Light and Balderston
Atkinson John, of the above firm, dw Holiday N of Saratoga.
Atkinson David, carpenter, Constitution near Monument st
Atkinson Henry, grocer, Saratoga w of cove st.
Atkinson Thomas, carter, Saratoga st extended
Atkinson James, weaver, Mulberry E of cove st
Atkinson Israel, S. temperance store, George st near Pine.
Atkinson Thomas, shoe manufactory 7 s Paca st.
Atkinson James, barber, Orleans E of Friendship st.
Atkinson Thomas C. civil engineer, 20 N of Exeter st.
Atkinson John, H. Tailor 23, Balt st dw 37, N Exeter st.
Atkinson and Clark, sail makers, 8 Dungan's wharf
Atkinson Horace, brickmaker, Sugar alley w of Light st
Atkinson J. I. sec. of B. &, O. R. R. co. dw Barry E of Sharp
Atlasberer Catharine, huckster, Long al. s of New st
Atwell Saml, brickmaker, Wayne E of Howard
Atwood Jno. cabinet maker, cor. North st and Orange al dw
Auberry Prestley, cordwainer, Mott near N Gay st
Auld Elizabeth, George near Pine st
Auld Francis A. painter 95s Howard st
Auld Dawson, dealer in sand, 8 Hill st
Auld Hugh shipwright, Falls st s of Thames
Auld Saml, ship carpenter, 6 Market st
Auld Harrison, ship carpenter, Ann st N of Allice Anna
Ault Saml. finding and feed store Ensor near Potter dw inter-
Ausdown Lewis Jr. hardware store 41 Thames st dw Wilk
Ausbern Wm. conductor R. R. Holland st extended
Austen Wm. tavern Wolf between Alice Anna and Lancaster st
Austen Mrs. Frances, Apple al near Alice Anna
Austin George, Fayette st E of Howard st
Austin Mrs. Susan York ax.
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