the present site of Baltimore. This place, which was once the
rival of Baltimore, and was believed by many persons to be the
future capital of the State of Maryland, has not now a single
house standing. A few scattered bricks and stones alone mark
the spot where the village once stood.
Baltimore became a chartered city in 1796, and from that time
her march has been onward, (with a few draw-backs and inter-
ruptions,) to the present day. A few minor particulars in the
early history of the city may be of some interest to the reader,
and with these we shall conclude the chapter. The first house in
the limits of the city was built by Mr. David Jones, to whom
the Falls are indebted for a name. This building, (probably of
logs,) was erected near the present site of Finn's bridge, in the
year 1696. The first brick house was built by an Irish gentleman,
named Fotterall, in 1740. The first wharf was commenced in the
came year, at the south end of Calvert street. In 1754 the first
marked house was erected. The first engine company, (the pre-
sent Mechanical,) was formed in 1769. The first newspaper was
commenced in 1773. This publication was called the "Maryland
Journal and Baltimore Advertiser.'' The editor and proprietor
was a Mr. Wm. Goddard of Rhode Island.
Thus much of the history of Baltimore we thought sufficient
for our present purpose, and for this we are chiefly indebted to
Mr. Griffith's "Annals," a book with which every Baltimorean
should be intimately acquainted, and which many others may
peruse with pleasure and profit.
Chapter III.—Population, Health, and Mortality.
From the best data which we have been enabled to obtain, we
suppose the present population of Baltimore to be at least 100,000.
At the taking of the last census in 1830, the number of inhabit-
ants was 80,625, of which number nearly 19,000 were colored,—
slaves 4,100. The increase of the colored population is supposed,
in ordinary circumstances, to exceed that of the whites, but as the
climate of this city is rather unfavorable to the health oi the
blacks, and the deaths among them are comparatively more nume-
rous than among the whites, it is probable that nearly the same
proportion in numbers is preserved. Supposing this to be the
case, the present white population will be about 76,500, the
colored 23,500,—5,200 slaves. Total 100,000. In this estimate,
we do not pretend to be very exact; which, at this time, cannot
be expected; but if there is any error in the calculation, it is
most probable that we fall short of the true amount, rather than
exceed it.
In 1790, the population was 13,503: in 1800, it amounted to
26,614, the increase in ten years thirty-three and two-thirds per