Monument, by David Creamer, North Calvert street, opposite
Barnum's hotel; the Express, by Young & Abraham, corner of
Bond and Thames streets, Fell's Point; the Lutheran Observer
by Wm. S. Sherwood, Rev. B. Kurtz, Editor; Niles's Register,
by Wm. Ogden Niles, Water, near South street; the Farmer
and Gardner, by Sands St Nelson, corner of Baltimore and Charles
streets; The Trades Union, by Bull &, Tuttle, corner of N. Gay
and Baltimore streets; The Methodist Protestant by J. J. Har-
rod, corner of Baltimore and Charles streets.
Monthly Periodicals.—The Baltimore Literary and Religioui
Magazine, conducted by R. J. Breckinridge, and Andrew B.
Cross, printed by R. J. Matchett, corner Gay and Water streets.
The American Turf Register, edited by J. S. Skinner, North,
near Fayette street.
There is not in Baltimore, any monthly periodical of a charac-
ter exclusively literary, and but one weekly publication, namely,
the Monument, which is devoted entirely to that pursuit. Seve-
ral other papers, however, appropriate a large portion of their
columns to polite learning; and the Baltimore press generally ii
conducted with judgment and ability.
Benevolent Societies.—The Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted
Masons, meets twice a year at the Masonic Hall. The present
Grand Master is Benjamin C. Howard.
The Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows,
meets every three months, commencing on the 15th of January.
List of the Benevolent Societies, &c. in Baltimore.
Maryland Stale Bible Society.—President Hon. R. B. Magru-
der, one vice president from each county. Recording secretary,
Galloway Chester.
Prayer Book and Homily Society.—Right Rev. Bishop Stone,
president, Edward Ridgely, secretary.
Maryland Sunday School Union.—President, Joseph Jewett,
secretary, Wm. Wilson; depository No. 15, South Calvert St.
Baltimore Branch American Tract Society.—Rev. Stephen
Williams president, secretary J. H. Brown.
Society for the Relief of the Poor of the Methodist Church.—
President Thomas Kelso, treasurer Thomas Armstrong, secre-
tary James Brundige.
Preacher's Aid Society.—President Samuel Harden, vice-pre-
sidents, Thomas E. Bond, George Earnest, treasurer James
Brundige, secretary Thomas Armstrong.
Seamen's Union Bethel Society.—President James Wilson,
vice presidents Capt. James Cunningham, Capt. Archibald Kerr,
Hugh Boyle, Capt. Wm- Graham, corresponding secretary, C.
Keener, record ing secretary, Thomas Armstrong, treasurer Jas.
Maryland State Colonization Society.—President John H. B.
Latrobe, vice presidents, Thos E. Bond, sr. Luke Tiernaa, Peter