Director for 1837. YOU
Wyman John B. shoemaker, Harford av
Wynn C. clock and watch maker, 52 Pratt st
Wysham Ezekiel C. flour mt- s e corner Balt and Paca Sts dw
Fayette w of Eutaw st
Wysham John, hay weigher, Belle Air Market dw Monument
Wyvill M. D. mt. tailor, 166 Balt st [w of Canal st
VAGER Joseph, Paca s of German st
Vam Wm. pilot, 27 Ann st
Vantz Frances, Sempstress, 3 Trippolett's al
Yates Sandy, sawyer, cor Potter st and Necessity al
Yeagear Elizabeth, Eden n of Pitt st [77 Green st
Yearley Alexander, general agt. St. Paul's n of Fayette st dw
Yearly Wm. H. cabinet maker, Caroline 3 doors s of Bank dw
19 Gough st
Yearly John, ship carpenter, Balt w of Spring st
Yearly Nathan, cooper, s w cor Concord and Water sts
Yearly Ruth, Calvert near Mulberry st
Yearly Wm. cooper, Pratt w of Penn st
Yearly Wm. cooper, Wagon al w of Liberty st
Yeater Henry, cordwainer, Aisquith s of Orleans st
Yeates George W. druggist, 95 Bond st
Yeates Dr, John L. office and dw. Frederick near Gay st
Yeates Charles, tavern, near Pratt st Bridge
Yeastman Samuel, waterman, Bond s of Lancaster st
Yeaman Sarah, Bath st alley
Yenry John H. labourer, Paca n of Franklin st
Yerkes Eliza W. sempstress, Maiden lane w of Aisquith st
Yes Alexander, painter, Strawberry al n of Bank st
Yewell and Jones, ship smiths, Light st wharf near Lee st
Yewell John, dw York near Charles st
Yinger Andrew, labourer, Park st w of Schroeder st
Yost Wm. cordwainer, Green n of Paca st
Yost Wm. boot and shoe manu. Pratt e of Paca st
Youce George, carpenter, Sterling near Madison st
Youce; Edward L. saddler, 56 Sterling st near Monument
Youndt ——, cor Sharp st and Welcome al
Young Rebecca, Argyle al n of Lancaster st
Young Joshua A. ship joiner, Wilk e of High s side
Young and Abraham, printers, n e cor Bond and Thames sts
Young James, of above firm dw Eden 1 door s of Gough st
Young Wm. S. police officer, 147 Bond st
Young Capt. Wm. T. Argyle al s of Bank st
Young Wm. waterman, Gough w of Bond st
Young mrs Susan, Caroline row Caroline st
Young Michael, cor Water st and Centre Market space
Young Frederick, printer, Albemarle near Plowman st
Young mrs Rebecca, High n of Water st
Young Joseph, blacksmith, Howard st near Wine al
Young Samuel, land agent, 32 Fayette st opposite Union bank
dw 14 Courtland st