WEA Matchett's Baltimore
Watson Wm. carter, Forest st opposite Penitentiary
Watson Donnell, millwright, 38 Centre Market space
Watson Alexander, engineer, Montgomery near Charles st
Watson John, Engineer, Williams near Great Hughes st
Walter Francis, music teacher, 81 e Water st
Wattlers J. portrait painter, Fayette e of Howard dw 99 Green
+Watto John, barber, corner Light and Water sts
Watts Capt. Wm. J. Fleet st s of Argyle al
Watts Capt. Frederick, Caroline n of Gough st
Watts Dickson B. cust. house officer, dw Water st near the Falls
Watts S. A. stock manufacturer, 249 w Balt st
Watts Wm. shot maker, Conway st adjoining Gist's Factory
Watts and Disney, painters, Pratt st e of Howard
Watts Richard, painter and glazier, Light st extended
Watts Thomas B. currier, Holliday 2 doors n of Saratoga st
Watts George, clerk, 66 Centre Market space
Watts John W. grocer, cor Pearl and Saratoga Sts
Watts Wm. labourer, Chestnut al e of Pearl st
Watts Jarrett, painter, cor Columbia st and Columbia al
Walls George, manufacturer of lucifer matches, 311 Ball st
Watts R——, painter, 111 Green st
Watts Peter, clerk, 11 Comet st
Walls Charles, carpenter, 19 Comet Ft
Watts Benjamin P. feed store, 117 n High st
Watts Wm. coach smith, Douglass e of Potter st
Watts Nelson, rope maker, Sugar ai e of Charles st
+Walts John, boarding house, 32 Light st near Water
+Watts Alexander, brick moulder, Hill w of Hanover st
+Watts Esther, Eden n of Wilk st
+Watts Rachel, Apple al n of Fleet st
+Watts George, labourer, Chesnut al e of Pine st
+ Watts John, barber, 1 Hanover st
Wattson and RickeltF, bakers, McElderry's wharf
Waugh Dr. J. B. 59 s Sharp st
Waugh Rev bishop of M. E. church, Sharps of Pratt
Weaks James, blacksmith, Hillen near Front st
Weary John, machinist, Holland st extended
Weaver mrs Mary, dry goods store, 30 Thames st
Weaver John, 33 Lexington st
Weaver Jacob, china, store, Park st
Weaver Daniel, machinist, North n of Bath st
Weaver Daniel, collector, Ensor near Mott st
Weaver John, blacksmith, Hillen e of Exeter st
Weaver mrs Elizabeth, Canal st 2 doors From Jefferson st
Weaver John, tobacconist, cor Howard and Lexington sts dw
33 s Howard st
Weaver Caspar, painter, Eutaw s of Madison st
Weaver John, ladies' shoe maker, 68 n Front st
Weaver mrs Sarah, Balt e of Lloyd st