WAT Matchett's Baltimore
Ware Peter, corner Eden and Hollins sts
Warfield Wm. justice of the peace, n e cor Fayette & St. Paul
dw Lexington w of Pine st
Warfield Sarah, Barnet w of Charles st
Warfield Daniel, mt. cor Pleasant and St. Paul Sts
Warfield &, Mactier, flour mts. 9 Spar' swharf
Waring Spencer, Boot and shoe manu. Pratt w of Howard st
Warner Lewis M. &, Co. dry goods mts 151 Balt st
Warner mrs Ann, grocer, Fayette w of Gay st
Warner Wm. cabinet maker, Henrietta w of Charles st
Warner John, carpenter, Bond s of Alice Anna st
Warner L. A. grocer, Strawberry al near Pinkney st
Warner Andrew, jeweller, Gay near Balt st
Warner mrs Margaret, Pratt st e of Apple al
Warner Asa, blacksmith, Park lane e of Pine st
Warner Frederick, victualler, cor Penna, av and Hoffman st
Warner Michael, brick maker, Columbia s of Green st
Warner Geo. alt'y at law, Fayette st dw Columbia near Green
Warner Dr. A L. 17 Pitt st
Warner Wm. G. printer, 3 s Gay st dw 46 n Gay st
Warner mrs Susan, dw 46 n Gay st
Warner Michael, brick maker, Paca w of Lunn's lane
Warner Allen, musician, Potter near Gay 8t
Warner George, dw cor Sharp and Wayne sts
tWarner Maria, Potter n of Douglass st
Warren Henry, clerk, North st 1 door n of Saratoga
Warren John, porter, Park st s of Saratoga [tower
Warren Wm. bal case and fancy box manu. n Gay stop shot
+Warrick Harriet Ann, washer, Low bet Front and High sts
Warrington Thomas, sailor, Harrison st
Warrington Thomas J. Stiles e of Exeter st
Warrington S——, labourer. Pierce e of Cove st
Warrum James, cordwainer, Saratoga e of Schroeder st
Warthem Elizabeth, cor Sharp st and Busy al
Wartman Welch &, Co. tobacconists, 265 Baltimore st
Wartman Michael, tobacconist, Balt st dw Lexington near Pine
Warwick Sarah, widow, Orleans e of Caroline st
+Warwick Wm. hackman, Davis near Bath st
+Washingford James, stone cutler, Fayette st e of Run al
Washington Wm. basket maker, 43 n Howard st
Washington Monument cor Charles and Monument sts
Washington Engine house, Lombard w of Sharp st
Washington James H. firm of Mayger, &. Washington machin-
ists Pitt w of Market st
Washington Wor. Salisbury w of Exeter st
Watchman &. Bratt, steam engine manu. cor Williams & Hughes
Watchman John of above firm, dw cor Hughes & Williams sts
Watchmen's United Beneficial society meets at n e cor North
st and Orange al