Director for 1837. WAL
Waddell George, grocer, n w cor Mulberry and Calvert sts
Waddy Thomas, sail maker, Montgomery st e of Charles
Wade Charley liquor store, Camden st w of Calhoun alley
Wade Mrs John, school, 14 n Gay st
Wadlovv Elisha, harness maker, York av. near Monument st
Waesche & De Spada, importers of hardware, and cutlery, 225
Waesche M. Liberty st, s of German [\v Baltimore st
Wafran Caspar, Apple alley near Alice Anna st
Waggner George, block and pump maker, cor Wolf and Thames
sts. dw 81 e Fleet st
Waggner Francis, block and pump maker, end of Bond st dw
Wilk st w of Market
Wagner William, ship carpenter, Ann st n of Alice Anna
Waggner George, sail maker, cor Bank and Wolf sts
Waggner George D. carpet weaver, Penn. av. s of Preston st
Wagner Basil, merchant tailor. 31 Lexington st. dw 4 s Sharp
Wagner Samuel, carpet weaver, 15 Wilk st
Wagner Charles, cooper, Woll st near Fell
Wagner Philip, grocer, Baltimore st opposite Green
Wahl Melchoir, coach maker, Penn. av. e of George st
Walt George W. manufacturer of chocolate &c. w Falls avenue
dw s High st n of Pratt
Waite William W. justice of peace, office n Gay st near Forest,
dw n Gay st near Mott
Waite Jane, sempstress, Comet st w of Aisquith
Waites Jos. cordwainer, French st near East
Wakeley James P. cabinet maker, Pralt st w of Caroline
Waldschmidt, Lewis, cooper, 16 Pralt st
Waldman Wm. dyer, 33 Harrison st
Wales Joseph, shoemaker, Alice Anna st w of Strawberry alley
Wales Charlotte. Happy al s of Fleet st
Walker R. W. Falls avenue
Walker Benj. grocer, cor Light and Ruxton sts
Walker Peter, weaver, n of Cove si near Mulberry
Walker James, weaver, Pierce st w of Chatsworth
Walker John W. sheriff, Baltimore Co. Pearl st s of Franklin
Walker eorge W. & Co. dealers in shoes & hats, n Eutaw st
Walker Elizabeth, Argyle al s of Alice Anna st
Walker Thomas, clerk, Fawn st near Falls
Walker Wm. shoemaker, President st near Stiles
Walker Francis, sailmaker, Gough st w of Bond
Walker Joseph, teacher, Caroline row, Caroline st
Walker Capt. Robert, n e cor Pralt and Spring sts
Walker Peter H. grocer, 39 s Charles st
Walker Zadock, carpenter, 17 Maiden lane
Walker Noah, clothing store, 80 Pralt st and 70 Market space
Walker James P. porter Public Store, e Water st near Har. run
Walker Sater T. U. S. clothing store, 157 Baltimore st dw Sar-
atoga near Howard