Director for 1837. VAU
Umphreys Matthias, cordwainer, 71 Saratoga st
Undach Frederick, labourer, Light st extended
Undach Uohn, cooper, Light st extended
Underwood, Uohn, carpenter, Bishop's lane s of Stiles St
Underwood Enoch, engineer, Ensor st extended
Underwood Uoshua, carter, Canal st near Gay
Underwood Albert, carter, Eden st s of Jefterson
Union Manufactory Co. warehouse,9 s Charles st
Union Bank, cor Fayette and diaries Sts
Union Moses, Spring st n of Gough
Unitarian Church, cor Franklin and Charles sts
Universalist Churches, sec pae 18
United Fire Co. s Howard st above Pratt
Upperman Robert, tobacconist, George st e of Pine
Uppole Susanna, taiioress, Biddle alley s of Ross st
Usher John P. auction and com. store, Water st near C. Market
Usher Thomas, huckster, Penn. av. w of Green st [space
Utermuckle Augustus, tailor, Pratt st w of President
Utermuckle Adolphus, barber, Pratt st w of President
Uthman Anthony, tailor, Green st s of Baltimore
VALDOR Don Manuel, Spanish Consul, 51 C. Market space
Valentine Uoanna, huckster, Peach alley n side
Valiant Ann, cor Bath and Davis sts
Valiant Uames B. halter, cor Canal and Monument Sts
Valiant Uohn, shoe maker, Wilk st e of High
Valienila Augusta, Mulberry st near Park
Vallee Mrs Mary A. lailorcss, Canal st. near McElderry
Valliant George, fish inspector, 55 s Howard st
Vanbrunt Tunis, Lexington st e of Green, dw cor Saratoga and
Vance Mrs Ellen, cor Spring and Bank sts [Green Sts
Vance Reiker, foundryman, Light st near Hill
Vance Ann, teacher, Howard st n of Madison
Vandaniker Joseph, tavern, 31 Franklin st
Vanderuer ————, Park st. n of Mulberry
Van Ness Wm. U. grocer, 48 Centre Market space
Van Ness Samuel, Mechanical Hotel cor Water and Canal Sts
Vansant Uoshua, blacksmith, Henrietta ste of Charles
Vansant Cornelius, hoarding house, 8 Lovely lane
Vansant Richard, tailor, Conway st w of Howard
Vansant & Wright, hat manufacturers, 158 Baltimore st
Vansant Joshua, of above firm, dw Barnet st
Varden Robert B. clerk to city commissioners, George st w o.
Varden Richard W. chair maker, Eden st s of Gough [Penn, av
Varnell George, bricklayer, 60 n Exeter st
Vass Uames C. clerk, Pearl st n of Mulberry
Vaughan Susan, Wilk st 1 door e of Happy alley
Vaughan Mrs Maria, Sterling st near Mott
Vaughan Mrs. Maria, Hillen st near Potter