Director for 1837. STI
Stewart David, attorney at law, 20 St. Paul's st dw Franklin
between Charles and St. Paul's
Stewart John, stables, Calvert st n of Saratoga dw next door
Stewart Wm. C. morocco finisher, dw Holliday st n of Saratoga
Stewart Jos. W. & Co. coal grate manufactory, 64 Balto, st
Stewart Jos. W. of above firm, dw over 64 Baltimore st
Stewart James, victualler, Constitution st near French
Stewart Jos. J. grocer, cor Gay and Forest sts
Stewart George, grocer, Harford avenue
Stewart Robert, grocer, Forest st near French
Stewart Wm. drayman, Orleans st e of Eden
Stewart Mordecai, letter carrier Canal st near Jefferson
Stewart Edward, blacksmith, Mercer st e of Light
Stewart Nelson, house carpenter, Armistcad lane e of Light st
Stewart John, clerk, Pitt st e of Strawberry alley
Stewart David, 7 Salisbury st
Stewart Wm. P. & Co. importers of dry goods, 199 Balto, st
+Stewart Charles, labourer, Front st near Bath
+Stewart Julia, washer, Guilford al w of Light st
+Stewart Sally, Mechanics' court near High st
+Stewart Isaac, labourer, Elbow lane
Stewart Isaac, labourer, Run al n of Lexington st
Stewart Robert, labourer, Long al s of New st
Stewart Stephen, labourer, Long al s of New st
+Stewart Frances, washer, Hill st near Charles
+Stewart Margaret, Bath st near Davis
+ Stewart Ennals, labourer, Charles st s of West
+Stewart Charles, carter, Charles st s of Hill
+ Stewart Wm. carter, Hanover st n of Montgomery
+Stewart Rezin, labourer, Marion st w of Park
+Stewart John, labourer, Hill st w of Sharp
+Stewart Hannah, Sharp st near Hill
+Stewart Wm. labourer, Happy al 1 door s of Bank st
Sticher John, cabinet maker, Park st s of Lexington
Stich Martha, Greenwillow st s of Pennsylvania avenue
Stickney &, Noyes, agents American hardware, 12 s Charles
Stidger John, blacksmith, Baltimore st extended
Stiep Michael, tailor, Biddle st n of Pennsylvania avenue
Stieringer Mrs. Elizabeth, Potter st between Gay and Hillen
Stiff Edw. hat manufactory, 4 n Gay st near Falls
Stiff Ellen, York st w of Light
Stigers Ellen, confectioner, Penn av s of Union st
Stiles Estella. widow, n Exeter st between Low and Pitt
Stilley John, grocer, s e cor Pratt and President sts
Stillings mrs Lydia, boarding house, n e cor High & Pratt sts
Stiltz Daniel, carpenter, St. Paul's st n of Hamilton
Stilson Catherine, china and glass store, 40 n Howard st
Stimple Anthony, tanner, Charles st s of Montgomery
Stimpton James. 49 Albemarle st