SLA Matchett's Baltimore
Simpson Wm. coach maker, Calvert st near Pleasant,
Simpson Edw. carpenter, Exeier st s of French
Simpson John, tailor, Hillen st 2 doors w of High
Simpson Rezin B. produce dealer, cor Paca and Franklin Sts
Simpson John K. dw Light st s of Wine al
+ Simpson Ewy, nailer, Long Jane s of Orleans st
+ Simpson Elijah, brickmaker, Sugar al w of Light si
Sinclair Matthew, stone cutter, Pine st n of Fayette
Sinclair Robt. Jr. & Co. agricultural implement manufactory.
Water st e of Light, & Light n of Pratt, dw Eutaw extd.
Sinclair James, machinist, 53 s Exeter st
Sinclair Alice, Fleet st 1 door e of Wolf
Sinclair Mary, Thames st e of Ann
Sinclair Cyrus, block and pump maker, Fawn st e of High
Sindall Samuel, merchant, 93 Aisquith st
Sinder Peter, milkseller, Federal hill opposite Telegraph
Sindler Joshua, keeper Penitentiary, dw n Gay gt near Moll
Singer George, clock and watch maker, 30 Fayette st
Singleton Charles F. Courtland st n of Mulberry
Singleton mrs Elizabeth, cor Gay and Fayette sts
Sinners E. R. Jr. tavern, s w cor Albemarle and Water sts
Sinners E. R, tavern, Hanover st n of Camden
Sinsner Frederick, Gist st near Hill
+Sipes Conrad, labourer, Light st n of York
Strata V. hat manufactory, 259 w Baltimore st
Sirman Isaac, Argyle al n of Lancaster st
Sisco Charles, military and fancy trimming manufactory, Hol-
liday st near Baltimore, dw game
Sisler Martin, butcher, Happy al s of Bank st
Sisselberger Martin, well digger, Howard st extended
Sisson mrs Mary, Sterling st near Mott
Sitler Benjamin, confectioner, 66 Prait st
Sitler Bennett, cordwainer, Peach alley n side
Sites Charles, grocer, cor Lexington st and Market alley
Skilling Wm. engraver, Tripolett's alley near Baltimore st
Skiliman Robert, chair maker, 36 s High st
Skilman Robert, boarding house, 37 e Baltimore st
Skinner Dr. D. H. 11 German st
Skinner John S. post master, 46 n Charles st
Skinner Eleanor, tailoress, Caroline st n of Baltimore
Skinner Robert, shoe finding store, cor Water and Calvert sts
Skinner Zechariah, ship carpenter, Hughes's quay, dw York
street e of Light
Skinner & Streeter, editors of Transcript, office 1 s Gay st
Skinner Wm. ship carpenter, Armistead lane near Light st
+ Skinner Thomas, labourer, Sugar al w of Charles st
Skipper Macaga, carter, head of Howard st
Skipper Isabella, nurse, 70 n Exeter st
Slack Wm. B., E. R. conductor, dw Sharp st w of Barre