Director for 1837. SHl
Shedrick John, rigger, n e cor Alice Anna and Wolf Sts
+Sheef Henry, labourer, Harford avenue
+Sheef Jos. grain measurer, Short st s of Jefferson
+Sheef Perry, grain measurer, Short st n of Orleans
+ Shehan Thomas, cordwainer, Eager al e side
Sheilds Ellen, Holliday st near Centre
Shekels Nelson, stone cutter, Haw st w of Emory
Shekies Thomas, fireman at Glass house, dw York st w of Wil-
Sheldon John, cordwainer, Ensor st near Forest
Sheldon Jas. dep. keeper Penitentiary, Exeter st near Hillen
Shellinberger Saml, cooper, Ross st w of Orchard [liams
Shelley Wm. carpenter, Aisquith st s of Orleans
Shelling Rudolph, tavern, Lancaster st e of Bond
Shelly Henry, butcher, cor Mullikin and Spring sts
Sheppard B B carpenter, Montgomery st near Light
Sheppard Nicholas, Wayne st e of Howard
Sheppard T. agent for Philada. boats, Bowly's wf, dw s Charles
Sheppard Gqtleib, supender maker, Baltimore st extended
Sheppard John, labourer, Chesnut al w of Pine st
Sheppard Richard, saddler, 16 Liberty st
Sheppard John, harness maker, Williams st n of Montgomery
Sheppard George, fisher, Cross st e of Williams
Sheppard Philip, Canal st n of Salisbury
Sheppard Moses, n w cor Sharp and Pratt Sts
Sheppard Thos. S. n w cor Sharp and Pratt Sts
Sheppard R. D. counting house, Second st 1 door e of Gay
+Sheppard Benjamin, porter, cor Water and Granby Sts
Sherburne Mrs. Franklin st e of Chatsworth
Sherkley Peter, wheelwright, Beuren st near French
Sherwood Philip, grocer, n w cor Fleet st and Argyle alley
Sherwood Alice, tailoress, Orleans st e of Aisquith
Sherwood Jesse A. coach maker, Forest st w of Harford run
Sherwood Wm. cordwainer, 38 Orleans st
Sherwood R. P. boarding house, Camden st near Charles
Sherwood Wm. printer, over Chronicle office, n Gay st
Shields John, pile driver, York st w of Light
Shields Nelson, cordwainer, Hillen st near Potter
Shields———, rope maker, Harford avenue
Shields Wm. cordwainer, Pratt st e of President
Shields Nathaniel, bacon store, s e cor Wolf & Alice Anna sts
Shields mrs Eliza, mantua maker, Eden st s of Bank
Shields Isaac, labourer, 58 Gough st
Shields John B. n w cor Saratoga and Rock sts
Shields J. D. draper & tailor, 42 Lexington st dw 100 Howard
Shields Rachel, widow, 36 n Front st
Shield David, Fleet st e of Bond
Shier Sarah, 37 Pearl st
Shilling Wm. currier, n Front near Gay dw Potter near Hillen
Shillingberg Dominic, victualler, Columbia st e of Cove