Director for 1837. SHA
Selvage William, Marion st between Howard & Eutaw sts
Selvage William, coach maker, cor Liberty and Fayette Sts
Selvage Thomas, tavern, Horse Market space
Selvy Samuel, Salisbury st e of Lloyd
Semon Jacob, Columbia st e of Cove
Semor Frederick, brickmaker, Columbia st e of Core
Sempp Albert M., waterman, 30 Shakspeare st
Seney Joshua, 53 n Exeter st
Senseney Mrs. Jane, sempstress, Exeter st near Hillen
Sensuic Johnson, blacksmith, Tripolett's al n of Second st
Sent John, shoemaker, 36 s High st
++Servin Wm., laborer, Burgundy alley near Green st
Servary Peter, segar maker, Paca st n of Franklin
Server Mrs. Ann, Wolf st n of Alice Anna
Seth Elizabeth, widow, 27 n Exeter st
+Seth Hercules, Apple al s of Lancaster st
Severe James, wheelwright, 46 Wilk st
Severson Stephen, brickmaker, French st near Bath
Seversori F. coach & harness maker, Fayette w of Charles st
Seville John, carpenter, Hampstead st 2d door e of Spring st
Seward John A., waterman, York st e of Charles
Seward Levi, laborer, Market st s of Fleet
Sewell Reuben, Bond st s of Gough
Sewell & Baugher, dry goods merchants 223 1/2 w Balt, st
Sewell Thomas, victualler, 8 Jackson's court
Sewell Dr. S. W. J , n e cor Franklin and Pine sts
Sewell John, carpenter, 100 Paca st
Sewell Thomas H., chair maker, Perry st e of Charles
+Sewell Jane, washer, Chapel al s of Mulberry st
+Sewell William, porter, Elbow lane w of Paca'st
Sexton Cornelius, laborer, Canton
Seyler Frederick, currier, Lexington st e of Park
Seyler F., currier, 24 n Liberty st
Seymour William, ship carpenter, 19 e Fleet st
Seymour Mrs, usan, Lancastpr st cor Strawberry alley
Shackleford Lewis, pilot, Lancaster st e of Market
Shaffer Frederick, Gough st w of Caroline
Shaffer Jacob, laborer, Baltimore st extended
Shaffer William, victualler, Chestnut alley w of Pearl st
Shaffer John, painter, 124 Eutaw st
Shaffner Jacob, 50 Baltimore st
Shaffner Wm. C. William st extended
Shaffner Samuel, merchant, Balt st e of Howard dw Mulberry
e of Pine
Shallus Miss, seminary, cor Park and Mulberry sts
Shallus Samuel W., harness maker, s Howard st above Conway
Shamer Wm. cordwainer, 117 s Howard st
Shambery Mrs Jane, oyster dealer, 31 Liberty st
Shamburg Wm., tavern, 33 Liberty st