teries in the city, generally carried by men of enterprise,
whose hands the an I era ble improvement.
Rope Making.—A [ ] for the making of cordage
is conducted by Mr. Ridgaway No, 66 South street. A very large
rope-walk, the machinery moved by horse power, is situated near
Market street, Fell's Point, in the rear of St. Patrick's church.
There, are one or two others on Gallows hill and one near Fort
Sail Making.—This art, of course, is well cultivated in a city
of a commercial character equal to that of Baltimore.
Showing.—At a very early period, Baltimore became
celebrated for the construction of small craft of extraordinary
speed; so that the swiftness of the "Baltimore Clippers" is pro-
verbial among the sailors. Of late years, the same superiority
has become manifest in Baltimore made vessels of a larger class;
and vessels of war have been built at our ship-yards for the use
of other governments, which is a proof thai the fame of our ship-
wrights has reached foreign countries; a circumstance which
cannot fail to have a very favorable effect on the extension of this
branch of business.
Steam Engine Factories.—Charles Reeder, south side of the
basin, makes steam-engines, tanks and machinery in general.
Watchman & Bratt, Williams street, Federal hill, manufacture
the same articles, for which they have lately erected extensive
buildings and furnished them with all the necessary apparatus.
These gentlemen generally keep employed from 230 to 240 hands.
The Canton Iron Works are worthy of particular notice under
this head. They are the property of Messrs. Johnson &, Abbott.
The power used is steam; and three engines are usually employed.
There is said to be but one other manufactory in the United
States, which makes the heavy work, such as piston and con-
necting rods, walking beams, &c. Consequently this establish-
ment does that description of work for a large portion of the
country. The other manufactory referred to is in New Jersey.
Stove Manufactories.—See Iron works.
Shot Factories.—The Phoenix Shot Tower, which is 234 feet
in height, can make 200 bags per day. Each bag contains 25 lbs.,
so that the daily quantity this factory can produce is 5,000 lbs.
In a year, calling the year 300 days, which allows for Sundays
and other holidays, it can turn out 1,500,000 lbs. of shot. Shot
Tower Company of Baltimore, John Franciscus, President, sit-
uated in North Gay street, built in 1823, manufactures all sizes
of drop shot, in quantity and quality equal to any in the United
States. The Baltimore Shot Tower, near the Gay street bridge,
was the first built in the city; the height is 187 feet. The
Eutaw Company, was incorporated at the December session of
the legislature, 1835. David Keener, Persklent, John Myers,
[ ] company prepares shot of all descriptions, and
[ ] for the perfection and beauty of the buck