SAU Matchett's Baltimore
Sanc's Samuel, copper plate printer, Exeter st s of Hillen
Sands Washington, tailor, Eden at n of Silver
Sands Samuel, firm of Sands &. Neilson, printers, dw East n
Sane William, blacksmith, Hume st near High [of Baltimore
Sanford Capt. Alfred, Alice Anna st e of Strawberry al
Sanford Abraham, pawnbroker, 34 Eutaw st
Sanger George, laborer, Park lane e of Pine st
Sangston Edwin, merchant, 80 Camden st [Baltimore st
Sangstou Jas. A & Co., wholesale dry goods merchants, 1354
Sangston Jas. A. of above firm, dw St. Paul's n of Pleasant st
Sangston George E.5 of the above firm, dw Camden st 3 doors
from Howard
Sank Mrs. Huckster, Perry st e of Eutaw
Sank John, cordwainer, Cove st n of Fayette
Sank Nicholas, furniture store, 55 Eutaw st
Sanks Jesse, carpenter, Wolf st near Fleet
Sanks Corbin, carter, cor Charles and Henrietta Sts .
Sanks Elijah, carter, Charles st n of Montgomery
Sankston Wm., shoemaker, East st n of Half moon alley
Sanner Isaac S., pilot, e Fleet st 1 door from Star alley
Sanner Joseph, waterman, 37 e Fleet st
Sanskey John, Boarding house, 28 Ann st
Sap George, Philadelphia road
Saple Michael, baker, Saratoga st e of Cove
Sapp John, cooper, Stiles st near Harford run
Sapp Henry, cooper, Stiles st near Harford run
Sapp Jacob, laborer, Ramsey's rope walk
Sappington Thomas, hat manufacturer, 142 w Balt st
Sappington E. & F., hat manufacturers, 112 Balt st
Sappington Jarrett, carpenter. Eden st n of Hollins
Sarah Thomas, blacksmith, Holland st extended
Saratoga brewery, Saratoga st e of Cove st [Light st
Sargeant Benjamin, steam boat boiler maker, Sugar alley w of
Sarsfield S., cordwainer, Charles sts of Pratt
Sauervvein George, basket maker, Park st s of Lexington
Sauerwein Daniel, carpenter, Mulberry st e of Pine
Sauervvein Peter &. Geo. grocers &, flour merch. 67 n Howard st
Saulsbury Andrew, grocer, s w cor Light and Montgomery sts
Saulsby Robert, Vauxhall, Light st near Hill st
Sauerhoof John, Caroline st n of Pratt
Sauer John, shoe maker, Lancaster st w of Ann
Saumenig C. & J. flour and feed store, 65 s Calvert st
Saumenig C. & J. feed store, Howard st near Pratt
Saumenig Catherine, Eutaw st s of Columbia
Saunders Jno. W. printer, Pitt st W of Aisquith
Saunders Maria, 10 German st
Saunders Edward, firm of B. J. & E. J. Saunders, Water st e
Saunders John, hatter, L. Sharp st n of Fayette [of Exeter
Sauners Elizabeth, hoarding house 124 Conway at