ROB Matchett's Baltimore
Riley Alexander, harness maker, Long al s of Ross st
Riley Wilson, labourer, Lerevv's al s of Franklin, st
Rimby Reuben, foundry man Green st
Rine Philip, tailor, Saratoga near Gay st
Rine mrs., grocer, n Front near Hillen st
Ring mrs Elizabeth, dry goods store, Market st s of Alice Anna
Ring David, young ladies' seminary, Gough e of Spring st
Ringgold mrs Mary, Pleasant w of St Faul st
Ringgold Thomas, labourer. West st extended
Ringgold Hamilton, porter, Lerew's al n of Saratoga st
+Ringgold Benjamin, labourer, Frederick st near Etna lane
+Ringgold Jacob, labourer, Hamilton e of Charles st
++Ringgoid ————, huckster, Strawberry al s of Pinkney st
+Ringgold Benjamin, labourer, Lee e of Charles st
+Ringold Mary, washer, Potter e of Low st
++Ringold Jacob, labourer Forest st s of Douglass
+Ringold Joseph, white washer, Short st n oi Orleans
+Ringold Jesse, labourer, Guilford al e of Light st
Ringrose James, sailmaker, al bet Spring and Caroline Sts
Ring rose J. W dentist, 27 n Howard st
Ringrose mrs Susan, Caroline s of Pratt st
Ringrose James, ship carpenter, Caroline s of Pratt st
Ringrose James, ship carpenter, 8 Hill st
Ringwald Frederick, cordwainer, 98 High st
Rion Thomas, tailor, Ensor near East st
Ripport Adam, Lancaster st e of Argyle al [door
Rittenhouse S. B., academy, cor Hillen & French Sts dw next
Ritter Conrad, scissors maker, Camden w oi Hanover st
Ritter Barnhard, milk dealer, West st e of Charles
Rivan mrs Frances, dress maker, s e cor Market and Fleet st
Rivers mrs., teacher, w of Cove n of Franklin st
Roach Elizabeth, Argyle al n of Lancaster st
Roach rnrs Bridget, 19 Alice Anna st
Roach John, book seller &, printer, n w cor Balt & Frederick Sts
Roach Robert, sign painter, Sharp w of Lee st
Roach Michael, carpenter, 19 New Church st
Roach Joanna, Carpenter's al
Roach and Co. house and sign painters, 9 Sharp st
Roach Ann, grocer, cor Hanover and Hill sts
+Roach Betty, cook, Forest s of Orleans st
Roads Harriet, hat binder, Vine e of Pine st
Robb John A. ship builder, Thames e of Market st
Robb Elichin, ship builder, cor Spring and Gough sts
Roberts John mariner, Fell st s of Thames
Roberts Hugh, pilot, 45 Alice Anna st
Roberts Charlotte, Wilk st w of Strawberry al
Roberts Rev. Wm. L 6 Fountain row Spring st
Roberts and Atkinson, druggists, cor Hanover and Balt sts
Roberts B. Rush, of above firm, dw sharp st 2 doors s of Pratt