PRI Matchett's Baltimore
Powers Joshua, labourer, Hill w of Sharp st
Powers Henry, shoemaker, Franklin w of Cove
Powers James, flour mt. corner Howard and Franklin sts
Powers Solomon, grocer, cor Penn and Pratt st
Powers John N. Exeter near Balt st
+Powers James, barber, Forest near Gay st
Powhattan manu. Co. warehouse, German bet Hanover and
Sharp sts Samuel Harden president
Powles Henry, cabinet maker, n w cor Howard and Saratoga
Pralle D. turner 58 Harrison st
Pratt and Keith, com mis 29 and 30 s Charles st
Pratt Enoch, of above firm, city hotel
Pratt Joseph engineer, Forest st w of Harford Run
+Pratt Freeman, Biddle st w of Ross
+Pratt Wm. seaman, Union al e of Eden st
+Pratt Samuel, labourer, Short al w of Canal st
Prentice John H. teacher, York avenue
Prentice Stunner, ship chandler and grocer, 17 Spear's wharf
dw Exeter necr Baltimore st
Prentice Alexander, tailor, 43 Pearl st
Prentiss Ann, Ann st n of Fleet
Presbyterian Churches, see page 18
Prestman George, clothing store, n w cor Bond and Fleet Sts
Preston Wm. P attorney at law, 19 Fayette st dw Hanover st
below Pratt
Preston John, shoemaker, Fleet below Caroline st
Preston mrs Lowry, Eutaw s of Saratoga st
Preston Wm. blacksmith, Montgomery e of Light st
+Preston Peter, boarding house, Pleasant e of Park st
++Preston Henry, cabinet maker, Mulberry w of Pearl st
Pretlove mrs Sarah, milliner, 54 Baltimore st
Prettyman Henry, tobacconist, Harrison n of Baltimore st
++Prevace Abraham, carter, Charles st n of Montgomery
Prevot A. tobacconist, 91 Eutaw st
Price Sarah, 17 Fell st
Price Walter, ship builder, Fell s of Thames st
Price Hannah, 23 Alice Anna st
Price Betsy, 120 Wilk st
Price Frederick, shoemaker, Apple al near Alice Anna st
Price Israel, tanner, Park n of Saratoga st
Price John, Light near Henrietta st
Price mrs., milliner, Gay near Front st
Price Isaiah B. grocer, corner Hillen and Forest sts
Price Wm. sportsman, York av near Monument st
Price Rice, coach maker, Williams near Cross st
Price Asavoy, dw Sharp s of Wayne st
Price Augustus M & Co confectioners. 189 Baltimore st dw
15 Lexington street
Price widow, Hanover s of Lombard st