PAR Matchett's Baltimore
+Owings Basil, cooper, Park lane e of Poppleton st
Paca John, cordwainer, cor Baltimore and Bond sts
Paca Nancy, baker, 32 Pitt st
Paca Ann, shoe binder, Hampstead e of Eden st
Packwood James, fisherman, 63 Bond'st [near Fawn
Page Washington. A. ship joiner, Hughes' sduay dw High st
Page James H. prop, of Page's hotel, Exchange buildings
Page Wm. ship joiner, Stiles w of Gough st
Page Alfred, ship joiner, High st s of Fawn
Page Daniel, ship joiner, Caroline n of Gough st
Page mrs Mary, Pratt e of President st
+Page Thomas, hackman, Painter's court near Pitt st
+ Page Matthias, boot black, Caroline n of Pratt st
Paine Allen, dealer in saddlery &,c., s e cor Balt and Howard
Paine John, Eutaw n of Mulberry st
+Paine Philip, carpenter, Johnson s of Cross st
Palmatory John, tailor, Frederick 3 doors from Gay st
Palmatory Allen, tailor, 118 Green st
Palmer, James, labourer, Pierce e of Pine st
Palmer Edward, com mt. 4 Bovvley's whf. dw 114 Hanover st
Palmer Isaac, cordwainer, 11 Potter st
Palmer Mills, carpenter, 8 Fountain row Spring st
Palmer T. St Co. looking glass & fancy hard ware store, 108 Balt
Palmer Thomas, of above firm, dw Fayette near Calvert st [st
Palmer John A tobacconist, cor Gay and Front sts
Paner Valentine, tailor, 75 e Fleet st
Pappler Jacob, pork mt. e Balt st H. Hill
+Paris Ann, Happy al s of Alice Anna st
Parish Wm. butcher, Biddle st s of Penn av
Parish J. wheelwright, Pratt e of Green dw Columbia e of Cove
Park Michael, segar maker. Biddle al s of Ross st
Parker Clement, labourer, Harmony lane e of Poppleton st
Parker O. and N. stove manu. and iron store, Calvert st
Parker Oliver, of above firm, dw 77 e Water st
Parker Nathan, dw Fayette st opposite Post office
Parker John, wheelwright, Park lane e of Run al
Parker Stephen, labourer, Chatsworth w of Biddle st
Parker Wm, labourer, Park st s of Richmond
Parker M. A. temperance grocer, cor Barre and Hanover Sts
Parker Rachel. Hampstead st e of Mulberry al
Parker Jonathan, ale house, 5 Centre Market space
Parker John, labourer, Fleet near Caroline st
Parker John, grocer, s e cor Wilk and Eden Sts
+ Parker J. labourer, Welcome al w of Hanover st
+Parker Isaac, labourer, Sterling near Monument st
Parkinson Robert, livery stable, High near Gay dw next door
Parkinson, James, tailor, Potter s of Hillen st
Parks Sarah, grocer, cor Hampstead lane and Caroline st