Director for 1837 NEW
Nealey John, teacher, Lombard st w of Paca
Nealey William, labourer, w of Franklin st
Nealy James, weaver, Franklin st extended
Neberger John, tailor, Montgomery st opp. Sharp
Needham Asa, grocer and commission merchant, 28 Light s + whf.
dw 126 Hanover st
Needles Edward, house painter, 78 n High st
Needles John, cabinet maker and dry goods merchant 54 Han-
over st. dw 47 Hanover st
Needles Elizabeth, dry goods dealer, Pratt st w of Hanover
Neeper Mary, Charles st Court n of Camden
Neighbors Mary, teacher ,26 e I leet st
Neile Richard, 2 Exeter st
Neile Frederick, sea captain, Aisquith st n of Madison
Neilson Thomas N. merchant, 155 e Pratt st
Neilson Robert, Custom House officer, dw Courtland st near
Neilson George, Calvert st near Pleasant [Mulberry
Neilson D. L. dentist, office and dw Calvert st near Pleasant
Neilson Robert, firm of Sands &. Neilson, printer, dw French st
Neilson mrs C. J. 3 Pascault Row, Lexington st [near Centre
Neilson Joseph, jr. clerk, Orleans st e of Caroline
Nelling ————, labourer, 37 Bond st
Neinaeyer Harman, carpenter, Sharp st s of Barre [Calvert
Nekler Charles, tavern, II Thames st
Nelson and Buchanan, attorneys at law, office Fayette st e of
Nelson Robt, found ry man, Armistead lane near Light st
Nelson William, blacksmith, Commerce st whf. dw Caroline st
near Pinknesy
++Nelson Manuel, carter, Chatsworth st s of Chesnut alley
+Nelson Jacob, boot black, Run alley n of Lexington st
+ Nelson Sarah, cook, Jefferson st betw Canal and Aisquith
Neninger J. B. music master, Courtland st n of Saratoga
+ Netler Ellen, washer. Welcome alley w of Sharp s
+Netler Mary, Wolf alley n of Conway st
Nevaker Peter, engineer, York st e of Light
Nevitt James, carpenter, Pleasant st e of North
New Henry, carpenter, George st e of Pine
Newall John, grocer, cor n Gay and Aisquith sts
Newball Charles, cabinet maker, Wolf st w of Caroline
Ne why Godfrey, labourer, n Gay st near Mott
++Newby Charles, labourer, Happy alley s of Alice Anna st
Newbell John D. shoe maker, Sharp st n of Barnet
Newitt Sarah, washer. Pierce st w of Pine
Newkirk, Henry B. milk dealer, cor Hollins st and Long alley
Newman Joseph, piano maker, Baltimore st w of Pine
Newman Ann, washer, Little Sharp st n of Baltimore
Newman Louisa, washer, Potter st e of Low,
Newman John, sawyer, Potter st e of Low,
Newman Thomas, carpenter, Wilk st e of Market
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