Director for 1837. MUM
Mouat Capt James, mariner, 72 Ann st
Moule miss J. A. seminary, German st s of Howard
Moulton James F. tailor, dw Forest st formerly Jackson
Moungaret Jabez, cooper, York st w of Light st
Mount Ann, sempstress, 34 Union st
Moury William, blacksmith, Baltimore st w of Poppleton
Mowbray John, tailor, 2 Grant st
Mowbray George W. brush maker, 46 n Front st
Mowtis Christian, carpet weaver, Carpenter's alley [Exeter
Moxley Walter, tobacconist, 27 Market st f. p. and Gay st near
Moxley William, tin and sheet iron worker, 72 Hanover st
Muckelroy John, victualler, e Baltimore st
Mudge William, carpenter, Lombard st e of Charles
Mueller Francis, shoe maker, Thames st e of Block
Muess Jno. Fredk. manager glass house, Federal hill dw adjoining
Muir Henry, seaman. Argyle alley n of Lancaster st [Wine st
Muirhead Wm. & Shakspeare st. coffee roastinrr establishment,
Mulhoflfer J. M. cabinet maker, Saratoga st e of Holliday
Mules Samuel, cordwainer, Rock st. n of Lexington
Mules Samuel, cordwainer, George st e of Pine
Mulgravv John, smith, Front st betw Low and Gay st
Mulhear Thomas, labourer, Apple alley s of Fleet st
Mulhear Owen, carter, n Front, st near Bath
Mulhear Ellen, grocer, Charles st. n of Pratt
Mulhear Owen, labourer, Holliday st n of Bath
Muligan Thomas, marble cutter, St. Paul's st nof Hamilton
Mullen Robert, carter, Park lane e of Amity
Mullen John, grocer, Lexington st e of Green
Mullen Peter, grocer, Lexington st w of Paca
Mullen Jonathan, Cathedral st n of Mulberry
Mullen mrs Rachel, academy, 15 German st
Mullen Mary, grocer, 48 n High st
Mullen Peter, grocer. 45 n Exeter st
Mullen John H. cordwainer, Apple alley s of Baltimore st
Mullen James, capt, of night watch, North st n of Bath
Mullen Patrick F. tailor, n Gay st. near Mott
Mullen Thomas, labourer, French st opposite Potter
Mullen Thomas N. coach manufacturer, n High st near Hillen
Muller James N. block and pump maker, City Block, dw Ann at
Muller Michael, President st s of Pratt [1 door s of Wilk
Muller John, constable, cor Franklin and Pine sts
Muller Lewis, constable, Pinkney st e of Spring
Mulligan John, wheelwright, Wilk sts of Bond
Mulliken O. W. grocer, cor Mulberry st and Lerew's alley,
Mullin John, tavern keeper, 11 Fish Market space
Mullock F. waterman, 59 Bond st
Mulnix James, grocer, Frederick st near Pratt
Mulseed Samuel, Richmond st e of Howard
Mumma Susan, Harford avenue near Monument st