Director for 1837. MOR
Mran Michael, carpenter, Hillen e of Exeter st
Moran John labourer, cor Lancaster st and Argyle al
Morck George, accountant, 23 s Exeter st
Mordecai Philip, paper hanger, Pitt w of Aisquith st
Morehead John, weaver, Cove st n of Saratoga
Moreland Joseph S. dry goods mt. 19 Balt st
Moreman Barnard, s e cor Shakspear and Bond Sts
Moreman Herman, cor Shakspear st and Bond
Morgan Wm. H. firm of B. Deford &. Co. dealers in leather &c.
cor Calvert and Lombard sts dw Lloyd s of Balt st
Morgan Ephraim, blacksmith, Long al opp, Lexington Market
Morgan Sarah, Carpenter's al e of Eutaw st
Morgan Thomas, Potter, cor Pitt and Exeter, dw opposite
Morgan Edward, Aisquith n of Pitt st
Morgan Wm. Lloyd 1 door n of Salisbury st
Morgan Thomas, 11 e Balt st
Morgan Michael, tavern, Light near Pratt st
Minus Mary, cor Lancaster st and Apple alley
Morgan Joeeph, book binder, Frederick st near Gay
Morgan Joseph, senr. carpenter, Frederick st near Gay
++Morgan William, barber, s Gay st near Baltimore
+Morgan William, labourer, Ivy alley w of Park st
Morrell John, fancy store, Maryland arcade, dw 64 n High St
Morrin James, collector, 22 n High st
Marriarty Ann cord and botton factory, Lexington stw of Charles
Morris rnrs Sarah, Mulberry st. e of Paca
Morris John, millstone manufacturer, Paca n of Saratoga
Morris Rev. J. G. 28 Lexington st
Morris Bridget, Exeter st betw Baltimore and Pitt sts
Morris Henry, hair dresser, cor Low and Front sts
Morris Morris, cordwainer, cor Canal and Salisbury sts
Morris John R. firm of Jacob Alben ami Co. 52 Fayette st
Morris James, blacksmith, cor Mulberry and Calvert sis
Morris George, manufacturer, dw Saratoga w of St. Paul's
Morris Thomas C. & Sons, ship joiners, Wolf st n of Thames
Morris Thomas C. dw Fell st s of Thames,
Morris John, ship joiner, 62 Market st f p.
Morris Charles T. ship carpenter, se cor Wolf and Lancaster
Morris George, ship joiner, Alice Anna st. w of Ann
Morris Jas. grocery and feed store, n e cor Ann and Alice Anna
Morris John, millstone manufacturer, Wilk st e of High
Morris Dr. Henry, Market st s of Wilk
Morris William, grocer, 41 Bond Bt
Morris miss, Bank st e of Exeter
Morris W. and G. domestic manufacturers, 39 Pratt st
Morris William, manufacturer, Saratoga st w of St. Paul's
++ Morris James, waterman, Argyle alley s of Wilk st
+Morrls James, waterman, Salisbury alley
Morrison Cornelius, baker, Block st near drawbridge