McL Matchett's Baltimore
McKerlee Isabella, IS Fleet st I
McKernan Hugh, grocer, Water st near Frederick
McKew Patrick, 109 n High st
McKewen widow, Bath st court
McKewen Thomas, Bath st e of Davis
McKewen Wm. labourer, Armistead lane e of Light st
McKewen Mary, Bath st e of Davis
McKewen Archibald, grocer, cor Lombard and Charles Sts
McKim mrs Mary, mantua maker, 36 s Gay st
McKim mrs Alexander, Courtland st n of Mulberry
McKim Robert, labourer, Saratoga st e of Pearl
McKim Robert E. confectioner, Mulberry st e of Eutaw
McKim James, washer, Camden st w of Howard
McKim & Brother, wholesale hardware mts. 248 Baltimore st
McKim Wm. of above firm, dw Holliday st n of Fayette
McKim David T. firm of Crawford St, McKim, mts. 6 Bowly's
wharf, dw Holliday st adjoining Theatre
McKim Jno. & Son, copper store, cor Frederick and Pratt Sts,
manufactory Franklin st
McKim J S Franklin st near Cathedral [4th door from Exeter
McKim Isaac, copper warehouse, 42 s Gay st dw e Baltimore
McKim John N., firm of McKim & Sons dw Holliday st n of
McKim mrs. Wm, D. E. Balt, st adj. Presbyterian church
McKinley Wm., brickmaker, Charles st s of Henrietta
McKinley Charles &, Alexdr. weavers, Cove st near Mulberry
McKinley Ths. store 11 Bowley's whf. dw. Forest st e of Ais-
McKinney James, cordwainer, Front st near Hillen
McKinnall James, Pennsylvarna avenue, n of Union st
McKinney William, grocer, cor Charles and York Sts
McKinnon Mary, milliner, 17 Mulberry st
McKittrick Philip, turner, cor High and Stiles Sts
McKnight Thomas, eurrier, Forrest st opposite Penitentiary
McKnight James, clerk, Paca st n of Franklin
McKnight James, steam engine builder, 12 York st
McKonkey Patrick, baker, Fleet st near Bond
McKonkey John, n w cor Granby and Exeter Sts
McLane David, clerk, Barre st e of Sharp [e of High
McLane John, ship smith, Patterson st near Pratt dw Fawn st
McLane Samuel, fruit shop, Exeter st s of Hillen
McLane Elias, block and pump maker, Patterson st below Pratt,
dw 59 Pratt st
McLaughlin John, labourer, Sarah Ann st Hear Poppleton
McLaughlin Irvin, huckster, Pearl st s of Mulberry
McLaughlin Ann, huckster, St. Mary st s of Ross
McLaughlin Jefferson, grocer, cor Biddle and Madison Sts
McLaughlin Jane, washer, Montgomery st w of Sharp
McLaughlin Peter, labourer, Bishop's lane near Fawn st