McD Matchett's Baltimore
McCracken Alexander, sexton of Presbyterian Church dw
Canal st near Orleans
McCracken Jas. grocer, cor Happy Alley and Alice Anna st
McCracken Wm. dw High st near Gay
McCracken Jno. cabinet maker, 49 s Charles st
McCraites David, cabinet maker, 76 Conway st
McCray Mrs. Elizabeth, Caroline st s of Bank
McCready George, Stillhouse st opposite Fish market
McCreary Mrs. Letitia, 109 Hanover st
McCubbin Robert, plane maker, 30 New Church st
McCubbin Nicholas, tailor, w Baltimore it near Falls avenue
dw 67 n Eden st
McCubbin Mary Ann, widow, Forest st w of Harford run
McCubbin Joshua, tailor, Orleans st w of Canal
McCubbin James, watchman, William st s of Henrietta
McCubbin Richard, watchman, cor Cross and Williams Sts
McCubbin Richard, cordwainer, Pratt w of Spring st
McCubbin Thomas, painter, East st near Ensor
McCubbin Nelson, wheelwright, Hillen st e of Front
McCue John, grocer cor French and Bath Sts
McCulley Matthew, grocer, cor Hill and Sharp Sts
McCulloch Duncan, s w cor Pratt and Eden Sts
McCulloh Dr. 58 Fayette st
McCullough Elizabeth, grocer, cor Eden and Holland Sts
McCullough Wm, laborer, Ann st n of Lancaster
McCurdy Mrs Campbell, milliner, 320 w Baltimore st
McCurley Felix, grocer, Baltimore st extended
McCurley Mrs. E. dross maker, Lexington e of Park
McCurley James, coach maker, Liberty st s of Fayette
McCosker Patrick, grocer, cor Caroline and Fleet sts
McCusty Hugh, 19 Shakspeare st
McCuthan George, wood trader, Hill st w of Hanover
McDaniel William, 102 Dugan's wharf
McDaniel George W, tailor. Maiden lane w of Aisquith st
McDermot James, painter, East et between Ensor and Hillen its
McDermot John, cooper, 6 Phil pot. st
McDermot Thomas R mariner, 195 e Pritt st
McDonagh Bernard, wholesale liquor store, Thames st w of
Bond, dw Block st
McDonald Wm. lime inspector, Cove st w of Pierce
McDonald John, cordwainer, Sarah Ann st e of Cove
McDonald Mr. oyster cellar, Paca st n of Lexington
McDonald Grace, 141 Paca st
McDonald David H. carpenter, St Mary's st s of Ross
McDonald Sarah, huckster, Howard st extended
McDonald Alexander, Park st n of Saratoga
McDonald Ann Marion st w of Liberty
McDonald, Michael sea Captain, Pitt st e of Eden
McDonald James, smith and farrier, e Water st near Falls